Duke Early Decision for Fall 2023

end-of-year grades are only requested of ppl who choose to enroll, iirc. and we’re very far out from when end-of-year grades are released (may/june depending on ur hs) and when they’re even going to be sent to schools. imo, duke will have a separate spot for enrolled students to submit/send in their final grades - and that spot won’t be on the general applicant portal checklist.

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Saturday simply means that they want a day off away from the phones after the release and don’t want to deal with parents until they’ve had a day to calm down. :cry::weary::sob::hot_face::scream:


However, to make a fair comparison, the deadline to apply ED was Nov 15th not Nov 1st that year. Duke and many schools extended it due to the pandemic. So a Dec 18th release was still very fast.

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So that must mean the applicant pool this year was HUGE if it’s taking them relatively longer than ever before


duke extended to nov 15th this year? rlly? i was not aware. do u have proof

Not this year. That was 2020.

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No … 2020

technically it wasn’t extended but there was an option for RD applicants who turned in their applications early to change from RD to ED by nov. 16th which was something I did.

They accepted 30% more QuestBridge this year versus last year. Overall ED apps are projected to be up by 10% (not sure how they project this). But maybe duke will also increase the number of ED applicants they accept (good thoughts)? Who knows, but my positive side hopes that we may also see an all time high number of ED accepts versus the traditional ~855. I hope! These kids muscled through a pandemic and still have exceptional profiles. Why not be the largest % ED accepted as well! Good thoughts!


Not sure I understand the rationale here. Doesn’t the school do what is best for the school, irrespective of who muscled through pandemics? It has nothing to do w applicants, it’s what the school needs in any given year…

current co2024 student here, in my year i got an email on 12/9 saying it would be released 12/12, never heard of a saturday decision for any school though …

Yes, that is why I stated “and still have exceptional profiles”. In a year where there are more applicants the school can choose to accept more students from the ED pool. This would also improve their yield (Dukes yield is far lower than other ivys). This is, of course assuming, that the ED pool had exceptionally qualified candidates (ie good for the school).

MIT is also Saturday this year.

Carnegie Mellon was last Saturday. Weekdays are more common, but Saturdays are not unusual for many schools.


Duke is not an ivy

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CMU ALWAYS releases on Saturday

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I understand that. The poster to whom I was responding said that s/he has never heard of a Saturday announcement at any school. I was clarifying that Saturday announcements are not unheard of in general even if Duke doesn’t typically do it.


If you look at previous academic calendars, the exams had ended when they released ED. Exams go through Monday this year! Food for thought

Worth noting that one has nothing to do with the other (exams / admissions). And that correlation does not equal causation.


Great point. Thanks.