Duke or full scholarship at W&M?

<p>As a matter of fact, Macsuile's post does merit some consideration. The underlying idea of money affecting a school's perception is worthy of posting; however, it may not be perceived by some as being terribly relevant.</p>

<p>Sorry, but the teenagers looking for direction on this site need facts, not misperceptions.</p>

<p>The "facts" you're offering up are shallow, poorly supported and generally irrelevant.</p>

<p>I feel like I should just be copying and pasting, but WM's scores are 1240-1430, while Duke's are 1380-1550</p>

<p>Now, I'm not sure where you get WM's scores being an average of 1390, nor Duke's being 1440, but if you average the median scores you get WM's median being 1340 and Duke's about 1450</p>

<p>The 1390 is probably from the class entering fall 2005 since most published data is from the class entering fall 2004. For example, the US New and World Report's data is actually 1-year old by the time it is released</p>

Take for example, your analysis of WM and UVa gpa's. It does not take a statistical analysis concentrator to realize that you cannot simply compare them to one another for a variety of reasons, but you did.


<p>Point taken. Although that's a different discussion, my opinion is the same on the matter.</p>

<p>Back to the thread: I have solidly supported W&M as much as possible, but I don't tolerate trolling for any school. What I see in macsuile's posts is pure trollage.</p>


<p>Almost every posting I've made has a corresponding link to a data set. Why are you indulging in so much senseless invective? I am a big UVa fan.</p>

<p>I don't think that the differences in the schools are great enough to be a deciding factor in any regard. You should simply choose whichever school you liked better when visiting. Even if you make the "bad" decision I don't see you getting too upset with either Duke or William and Mary so follow your heart.</p>

<p>"Classes are small, professors are willing to help their students"</p>

<p>I agree with the latter, and I laugh at the former.</p>

<p>Many classes at W&M have 150-250 students, including:</p>

<p>Micro and Macroeconomics
Intro Biology, Chemistry, and Physics

<p>300 level classes are smaller, but have about 40 students or so, especially in Psychology, Sociology, and Government (Political Science). I don't call that small. </p>

<p>But I will say that professors have ALWAYS been helpful while I was at W&M.</p>


<p>And to answer your question, go to W&M. First it's an excellent school, though not as good as Duke. Second, you have a free ride! I had to pay loans to get to W&M! Third, the education you'll get there is first class, and if you do well, you can get you to pretty much any grad program you want. Seriously.</p>

<p>expect<em>the</em>impossible, would you mind sharing your high school info? I am very interested in Duke and all stories of "non-machines" getting accepted are so encouraging. What were your EC's like, etc. Thanks!</p>

<p>Duke: Private, Division 1 Sports, Recognized Medical School</p>

<p>W&M: Academics, History, Undergraduate Commitment</p>

<p>Duke: academics, superior students, lower student-faculty ratio, better departments overall, better graduate programs, better sciences</p>

<p>I always find it funny when the "WHO" gets on and tries to make W+M look bad on its own message board.</p>

<p>I guess bowties can kind of restrict bloodflow to the brain if they're worn too tight. ;)</p>

<p>W&M would be a more competitive ACC football team than Duke is.</p>

<p>atdiemokid, what do you mean? Who is "WHO"?</p>

<p>Its a play on "Hoo."</p>

<p>I'm just kidding around. No worries...</p>

<p>I'm not trying to make W&M look bad. I never have. I'm just responding to macsuile's trolling.</p>

<p>Like I said...just kidding around...</p>

<p>wmalum, I assure you that you won't find a small intro econ or psych or hard science class at any school.</p>

<p>There's only so much you can do when 1/3 or 1/2 of the school wants to take intro Econ during their 4 years.</p>

<p>And W&M has a 22% acceptance rate for out of state students which is lower than Duke! It also has the highest SAT average (1360) of any American public university.</p>