<p>Both are fantastic schools! My daughter, who ended up at Duke, had William and Mary as her other top choice. She's very happy at Duke and has found many drug-free, non-partying, conservatives like herself to fit in with just fine. All schools have students of all types when it comes to the alcohol/drug/party scene; you just have to find your niche.</p>
<p>Had she ended up at W & M, I have no doubt that would have fit right in there beautifully as well and would have probably been equally as happy.</p>
<p>We need to dissect the usage of words like "good, better and best" when they are used in a relative sense regarding schools. Too often they simply reflect the US News rankings. The fact that WashingtonU is ranked #12 in that survey nullifies any claim to validity.</p>
<p>Since you want to go into medicine, go to Duke, although William and Mary is free, Duke will provide more opportunities and advantages down the road to success in medicine.</p>