Hi Guys!
I’m torn. I have been accepted to two great schools: Duke and Wake Forest. Both of the schools gave me great scholarship offers (Wake offered me a full ride while Duke offered me full tuition plus a little). I have spent a lot of time at both campuses, and there are thing I like and don’t like about both.
Wake Forest has a beautiful campus and I love just walking around in it. However, WFU seems very homogeneous and lacks a certain level of diversity and I’m afraid I would stick out like a sore thumb. Also, greek life/alcohol and partying is an integral part of the social life at WFU and I’m not a big party-er, nor do I drink. During my time there, I did not see much of a social scene other than the party scene, and I’m looking for more in a college than that.
Duke, on the other hand, has a nice campus as well and is much more diverse. It seems to have more of an eclectic community. However, the party scene is prevalent there too, although to a lesser extent. Also, people tell me that the school is a lot more competitive and cut-throat.
Do you all have any insight or advice that would help me with my decision?
Duke is almost without a doubt the better school academically, but if I was in your position I would pick wake. ( I’m a little bias because I’m a UNC fan haha) if they are both affordable than I say go with which ever one had a more “home” like feeling to you. Both are great schools I don’t think you could go wrong either way.
Duke is definitely ranked better academically, athletically, and nationally. But along with this, Wake Forest is also very good. For you, because cost isn’t a factor, try to figure which one has a better program for what you want to study. With the partying aspect, all schools have the partiers and the nonpartiers. You will be able to fit into whichever group you chose.
I believe that it is true, Duke is more competitive. One of my best friends who graduated last year goes there. She was valedictorian and along with this, she has many friends who were among the top of their class. (I think I’m being bias here because I absolutely love Duke and I don’t know as much about WF). But I bet Wake has mostly top students.
So from that big spiel, I would look for which has the better academic program you are looking for.
Also, just curious, how were you able to get a full ride? (if it’s personal you don’t have to share, just wondering if you had amazing stats or something 
There is this scholarship program at WFU called the Joseph Gordon Scholarship. It’s for students of high scholastic merit and of diverse backgrounds. I was given a full scholarship through that program. However, I think I will choose Duke because I liked the vibe there more (I feel like it’s a better fit for me), and I was just offered a full scholarship there. Thanks for all of your advice!