Duke waitlist 2026

2devils thanks for your insights. Does Duke admissions recheck the applicants Interview rating when they are re-evaluating those on the waitlist?

That is a great question and I do not know the answer! The interviewer’s summary of the candidate and the overall rating are part of the file so it would certainly be easy to do. I am just an interviewer, not in admissions. Admissions has expressed clearly in training sessions that the summary is more important to them than the overall “rating”, but they require both.

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Thank you for your insight! That makes me feel much better since I was not with the first group. I guess that leads to the question, if you are waitlisted due to an interview that made you appear to be not the right fit-why were you not just rejected and how do you change that impression?

I agree, why would Duke need to “yield protect”??? I’ve heard that they reject ~90% of the valedictorians who apply. So, they could easily fill several classes with all high stats folks
 You need to really leap off the page in order to be selected at these top schools.

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Just to clarify, I am not the one proposing that Duke yield protects. This comment came from a private college counselor. As a group, these counselors run almost as many stats as schools do in determining the admission process. I am actually glad to hear from someone who has some inside Duke insight that the chances of that being the case are not great. As far as turning down valedictorians, I meant people with more than just good grades.

Right, so that’s where this is hard to know: at this point it becomes speculation. I doubt a mediocre interview alone is a reason to WL, but a Why Duke essay that didn’t quite fit and an interview summary that concurred, or frankly ANY other small hesitancy could be a reason a person was put on the WL. My best-guess is an LOCI that leapt off the page could assuage the hesitancy and make the candidate compelling to take off the WL. Of course, as many others have said, the institutional needs in pulling from the WL might matter too–the proverbial need-another-bassoonist or any such other specific need.


Another factor that these schools value: to what extent are you capable of leveraging the vast resources that are available. This might be somewhat where the “Why X” essay comes into play. You want to make sure your ECs/talents maximally resonate with the resources/strengths of the institutions to which you are applying. If you’re “out of phase”, then it becomes difficult to justify given all the other high stats/etc candidates
 For example, if you’re incredibly strong in research (eg ISEF/Regeneron/etc), probably a major research university (rather than a smaller college) makes sense

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Thank you for your response!

I sent my loci at the beginning of this month, and on saturday I sent a short email to the admissions office just to reaffirm my interest. I got an automated response, presumably because the office was closed when I sent my email. Idk what else to do at this point
 I wish I could contact my regional ao but I’m scared to overdo it lol

same here

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anyone get anything?


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sure is quiet here, maybe it takes a couple days to process all the info after 5/2 decision date? Do you think they will continue to send emails to confirm interest before they extend an offer?

Based on the forum last year, they may send more emails today

thanks, we will be on the look out for any communication. My DS22 already admitted and my DD22 is on the waitlist. So it is unique situation for our family, fingers crossed that my daughter can join her brother this fall. We are in CA, what is latest time that the emails will usually come out?

Based on past years I think most people posted like just before 10 that they got in but they probably like celebrated and then posted

do they usually come out wednesdays after the enrollment deadline?

I think it was just 2 days after enrollment deadline

if nobody’s gotten anything yet i dont think thats a bad sign, just that theyre taking a longer time than usual


May the 4th be with you everyone! :pray:t3: