Duke's Annoying SAT Date Question

<p>Hi all: </p>

<p>Does anyone have the SAT/SAT II dates for the last two years? Duke's application is irritating in that it asks for mm/dd/yyyy and won't let you save anything not in that format. I have all the mm/yyyy information since that's what the Collegeboard uses, but the day?! </p>

<p>Many thanks,

<p>yeah i know what you mean...here's what i put on my app...</p>

<p>Jan 24, 2004
June 5, 2004
November 6, 2004</p>

<p>Man, I <em>heart</em> you! </p>

<p>I've been up and down my house (trying to find old calendars) and up and down collegeboard.com with no success. </p>

<p>And here I post, and then <em>poof</em> you reply! </p>

<p>I took tests in </p>

-01/2004 (ok)
-05/2004 (ok)

<p>Um. I have 2 SAT Is and 8 SAT IIs. </p>

<p>Too bad you're a Yankees fan (I'm a Bostonian) or I'd have asked you to marry me! :)</p>

I skimmed through the asian-american post (I'm one as well. By dandy!) and stumbled upon your 3894732984 word-long post. After mustering up enough courage (or concentration, rather) to read it, I must say:</p>

<p>After spending obscene amounts of time on this board, I've never seen such articulation. Ever.</p>

<p>You have a knack for writing, and you employ such beautiful language. I love how I certain individuals (such as yourself) can write an erudite post without seeming pedantic (like many others do).</p>

<p>I sincerely hope Princeton discovers this and accepts your asian self ASAP.</p>

<p>erm. <em>blushes madly</em> </p>

<p>chalk it up to my absolute anal-retentiveness and desire to avoid my AP Physics homework...also, I am most eloquent at my most snarky. </p>

<p>thank you very much, and I bear the same hope and hope I can survive the wait to find out.</p>

<p>Hey! Not bad... another AP Physics student up and... well... not doing AP Physics homework. Too bad I have 5 more problems to go in Halliday... bleh. Night.</p>

<p>eeeee! I use Halliday too! Evil Chapter 6!</p>