dumb question - has anyone ever judged a school by its phone reps?


<p>out of the schools I've called lately (and it is many),</p>

<p>I've realized that some reps at some of the schools sound pretty mean: agitated, angry, impatient....</p>

<p>and then some schools are the opposite: gentle, helpful, kind....</p>

<p>so has anyone here ever gotten off the phone with a school's rep and said "wow... he/she was a gerk...." or "oh, he/she was really nice!" and then pictured the school as being full of people like the rep?</p>

<p>i know, i know. it's dumb. but i've done it before! am i the only one? :D</p>

<p>I would ignore that.
If you feel that the students or professors are rude when you visit, that matters.</p>

<p>Never actually done it, but I wouldn’t put it past me.
I’ve judged schools based on their Facebook groups and how friendly/social the students are, though. It’s a good time waster…</p>

<p>Yes. I do it all the time.</p>

<p>Columbia’s reps were really nice and very helpful. NYU on the other hand has been a nightmare. I called once to verify that they received my rec’s and they told me I would have to submit my app first. Did that and called back, now it was “we can’t access your file because of the volume of paper work we receive.” Click…dial tone…Then I called back again after about a week determined to get an answer and the man on the other end asked which school I was applying to…I was already PO’d and a little nervous and my mind went blank. The guy on the other line pretty much just scoffed and said that there was noting he could do. After that I just gave up. I mean I really liked NYU when I visited but they have some a-holes for reps.</p>