So I’m currently a '21 in arts and science who is probably going to major in economics but is it a good idea to transfer into Dyson if I’m going to head that route of investment banking or should I just remain where I am if it doesn’t really matter?
Dyson is very difficult to get into, can you just transfer? If you could i would
My daughter was in CAS, double majored math/econ, and is working in IB. She had multiple offers from on campus recruiting. One of my daughter’s friend transferred from CAS to hotel because he thought he wanted to go into restaurant business. He got a job at Goldman out of college and is working at a hedge fund now. She also had few friends from COE who went into IB.
No, it doesn’t matter which school you are at, what matters are your gpa, relevant courses, internships, critical thinking and analytics skills (demonstrated during interview).