E Bikes - Will you be buying one?

I’ve been wanting to replace my old mountain bike with another one, but then the e-bike popped into my head, since my commuting pattern has changed. Now, I’m thinking e-bike and another mountain bike, eventually too. :man_facepalming:

There are a lot of e-bike riders out there right now in my neighborhood, and it seems many of them ride w/o helmets. So, my family “projects” that picture on me. I’d wear a helmet for sure. But we all know how people drive today, so the family is worried.


Glad to hear helmet is a concern.
I’m sure you’ve heard your fair share of stories, so I will spare you mine. HELMETS DO SAVE LIVES!


I was surprised how heavy e-bikes are. We helped a friend pick one out this summer in Cape Cod, where there are lots of nice bike paths. Alas, his back has been bothering him and he’s taking a break from the new hobby.

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Reasonably so. A friend of ours was killed in Seattle while riding a non-e bike and wearing all the right gear and in the bike lane.

I was driving home today and a regular bike crossed right in front of me. There is no stop sign for the car and the bike was on a bike path and legally has the right of way, but I was going 30 mph (the speed limit) and you cannot see anyone coming on the bike path, especially if he’s traveling 25 mph or so. I would have felt bad, he would have been dead.

They’ve changed all the laws here to make it legal for bikes to not stop at stop signs or red lights. They mearly have to yield, but if they get into a left turn lane and run the red light…

One many residential streets they’ve taken the parking lane and made it a bike lane, but then cars have to shift over to turn right. Then the bikes cruise up your inside lane and you can’t see them coming as they are in the blind spot.

It’s crazy.

Update: My Toyota SUV sold. Amazingly, I got back what I paid back in 2015-2016. And I enjoyed it for about 100,000 miles.

And non-e-bike, a mountain bike, was purchased yesterday. I couldn’t pass up a great deal on a practically new mountain bike.

I’ll still be looking for an e-bike, but like EV’s the offerings will be get more plentiful and cheaper, hopefully.


Saw a post in the comments on the article about transportation to the upcoming Beyoncé concert downtown… the poster apparently rides his e-bike everywhere and has yet to have any issues with anyone messing up this lock:

It costs a small fortune, but many e-bikes cost more.

I actually went to the bike store today to buy a few accessories for my new/used bike, including a bike lock.

I bought the cheap $30 Kryptonite cable lock with key, since I plan to keep my bike in my line of sight always. But there was a very serious Kryptonite lock for $150.

Now for $300, that Hiplock better be undefeatable. :grinning:

BTW, the salesperson said he won’t even use a lock, he doesn’t bother. He will take his bike with him into any store, because all bike locks can be defeated.

I also saw a bike parked at the local coffee shop with both wheels removed, but the frame was locked. So, not sure if the wheels were stolen or the owner took them with him.

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Apparently, it survives our downtown. That says a lot! :rofl:

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