E-mails from MIT?

<p>Are any other juniors getting e-mails from MIT recently? My son's gotten lots of mail and emails from the PSAT from various schools but I don't think he ever got anything from MIT until recently and one seems to be about a special visitation program for either economically disadvantaged or for ethnic minorities. I was just wondering if this is from Questbridge or from the NHRP. MIT hasn't been on my son's list but I think he'll apply for the visitation program anyways.</p>

<p>Yes. S2 got one too. They must have gotten the info from the PSAT. My son is not interested in MIT so I just deleted it.</p>

<p>Well, my son’s never been to Boston and if he was accepted and they actually helped pay for the flight, my son would love to go if only to visit another city that he’s never been to. He’s a total STEM kid but he’s never looked into MIT, prefering Harvey Mudd as the only STEM school on his list.</p>

<p>Daughter got one too. Same as soomoo, not interested and deleted. Boston’s a great city and the campus is right next to the river ;-)</p>