<p>that i could actually get in lmao</p>
<p>don’t u feel that life isnt actually real and probably we’re just being imagined?? lol</p>
<p>i actually had a dream like that last night, haha.</p>
<p>im so psychic</p>
<p>it is going to be damn hard.</p>
<p>How I survived my senior year : expect nothing, hope for everything, and NEVER NEVER assume you will get into even your safety schools.</p>
<p>That way, rejections isn’t as bad, acceptances can make you really really happy.</p>
<p>yea but its pretty easy to say to urself you probably won’t get into MIT and it won’t be that bad if you don’t but theres always that voice in your head talking to you about how sick it would be to go there and nothing else would compare so when youcan try to play as many tricks on yourself that you like but when you get rejected it’s still gonna suck just as much.</p>
<p>^ The truth.</p>
<p>I love how we’re all going through this rollercoaster of nervous emotions and nerve-wracking doubt together <3</p>
<p>i know i know rant rant rant</p>
<p>omg i love you mit</p>
<p>arch3r25 who are u kidding lol… ur scores are freaking amazing… i have no clue what odds are staked against u man… but it sure hell aint ur scores or gpa…</p>
<p>:P MIT isn’t about scores or GPA. Looking at their class of 2012 acceptances, they accept just as many 2100-2200 as they do 2300-2400. There were three 2400’s on the thread that were deferred admission, and all were females (who should have an advantage applying to MIT). One kid was the valedictorian of a class size 1000+ and also rejected.</p>
<p>It’s really difficult to develop a holistic interpretation of people they are really looking for, but I think that based on patterns from what I have seen they look for extremely unique extracurriculars.</p>
<p>MIT is much more unpredictable than any ivy league school (Harvard etc. included)</p>
<p>Two years ago the kid that was valedictorian of the graduating class from my school had summer research at MIT, boys state, class president etc. and was rejected, Salutatorian with similar stats–also rejected, while a kid who was 30ish in the class was accepted. One thing that really stuck out was that he had interned directly under John Kerry.</p>
<p>In a pool of 5000 kids that are just like us, there is no absolute way that MIT is gonna look at admits. They simply cannot take the 5000 and stack them from most qualified to least, because there is so much subjectivity involved. Getting admitted might be something as simple as having a phrase that really sticks in the mind of one of the adcoms; we’ll never know. Plus, there are so many other factors involved: affirmative action, regional quotas, and other factors that a college like MIT seeks to fulfill in order to diversify its student body.</p>
<p>It’s almost December. That means either 22 more days of torment regarding where we’ll be headed next year or 4 more months of brutal waiting until RD results. At this point I know that I would gladly accept MIT over a school like Harvard or Princeton simply for admitting me early and sparing me the worrying.</p>
<p>Of course, I’m just lazy and don’t want to have to do any more RD apps =D Might be easier to forget about college stuff and therefore not worry so much after December because I’ll have finished college apps and therefore won’t have the thought constantly nagging me in the back of my mind.</p>
<p>Anyway, I hope that we CCers all get in.</p>
<p>^^nicely stated… </p>
<p>and also noted i went to chapters/indigo bookstore today and found a small college handbook for admissions by an admissions counselor name Michael Moyers who miraculously got into top 10 schools with a 2.04 GPA and 1140/1600 SAT 1… NTAs my good friends is what he emphasized lol… my god… he made me realize i do have a chance… I CAN BE IN THAT MAYBE PILE!! rather than one extreme or another (100% in and 100% rejected) lol… the man had some awesome ideas… devoured that whole book without buying it lol… man when i focus i remember stuff lol</p>
<p>wait what, someone got in with those stats?
oooh tell more please, this might be useful lol :D</p>
<p>That’s a convincing argument. It’s well supported, although I don’t know if I should follow it in tweaking my college apps. So basically, you’re saying that instead of trying to show off or even expressing your personality, the main goal is to get into their heads and make them like you more than the other nerds?</p>
<p>The way I see it though, top schools like to accept only a certain amount of applicants from various locations. your class of 1000 (let’s say in the best HS in NY) might have had a lot of MIT applicants, accounting for the ridiculous rejections. In a class of say 300 in a remote region of … Alaska (lol), by gosh oh golly if there’s even one MIT applicant then he/she would have a better chance simply due to MIT’s intention to create diversity on campus.</p>
<p>Yea those really smart people in your school might have gotten the short end, but perhaps the ECs don’t play such a big role in admission. Maybe it’s just an illusion in that MIT doesn’t want all the National Merit finalists from CA but rather replacing some of them with… oh idk, ME.</p>
<p>and about that kid who was ranked 30th in his school and got into MIT while the Renaissance Man got rejected, don’t be so sure that John Kerry was the catalyst. Sure, he’s freaking John Kerry, but if you think about it, he probably did internships with students as pastime contributions. (assuming that the students didn’t have to compete with 5000000 other nerds for 2 internship positions, which would be much more impressive). I’m pretty sure that the MIT officers consider all these aspects. Plus, it may also be a matter of taking advantage of your opportunities, which might come as an advantage to more rural areas.</p>
<p>There are a gagillion possible arguments behind the admission process. Like the one “some applications only get looked at for 20 minutes,” in which case stats and laundry lists would take their toll.</p>
<p>so my opinion: Express yourself! don’t be afraiiiid! Just do your best! I believe in You!!!</p>
<p>and goodness knows, the wicked’s lives are lonely
goodness knows the wicked die alone
it just shows when you’re wicked
you’re left only on your own :(</p>
<p>I suppose that’s why it pays to be Popular…</p>
<p>I’m the only kid from my district in Ottawa applying i think… heck i think im the only kid in ottawa lol… no one i’ve heard from my high school or other high schools in my area are applying to MIT let alone USA… hopefully i get in…</p>
<p>god, there’s like 15 people applying from my school alone.</p>