EA academic acceptances posted!

<p>And the first hurdle is cleared! Time to make hotel reservations! So excited for my D and we have had a totally irrational positive feeling about JMU from the beginning of the application process. I hope my intuition is correct. :)</p>

<p>Congrats, Walker! Which audition date is she doing?</p>

<p>January 26th.</p>

<p>and thank you! I’m so excited I’ve forgotten my manners!!</p>

<p>Hahaha no worries! Was wondering if we’d see you at JMU–but my son is doing the February 9th date. I hope you’ll post a description of the audition process, though. Also hope we have decent weather in central Virginia for you! :)</p>

<p>I hope so too since we are driving!</p>