<p>I'm sort of the quintessential white, rich young man who attends a prestigious Catholic, college preparatory school in Northern California. I'm going to list some of my collegiate admissions statistics below, and, henceforth, would appreciate any comments you would offer (I sincerely apologize for the formal tone, my friends, but it is the natural result of such a wonderful education).</p>
<p>GPA(w): 3.875; GPA(uw): 3.489
SATs: 2230 (760m, 720w, 750v)
AP Tests: US History - 5, Eng. Lang. - 5 (spread across the past 3 years)
Course Load: 5 AP Classes, 5 Honors classes
Ranking: My school doesn't publish ranks (those briggands!)
Extracurriculars: senior editor - alternative newspaper, lots of church involvement and community service (100+ hours of the latter), work as a Starbucks barista, decent athlete (I've run 4 marathons since my freshman year), graphic design work for the city of mountain view, and numerous publications for my schools various events (there's several I'm not including, but rest assured that I've displayed leadership in these variegated categories).
Essays: I'm a very competent author. (I've published a letter in TIME magazine, and never received anything lower than a straight A on any writing assignment since my sophomore year).</p>
<p>So, knowing the above, what do you think of my chances for getting into Gonzaga and Boston College?</p>