EA Chances? (forget that I'm a Legacy)

<p>GPA: 96% UW
ACT: 33
SAT: (M,CR,W) (730,700,690)
Rank: N/A
SATII: 690 Spanish w/ List., 720 US, 770 Math II</p>

<p>AP US - 4
AP Euro - 4
Took Biology and Japanese at Community College During Summer</p>

<p>This Year: AP Calc BC, AP Art History, AP Spanish V, AP Phys C, AP Eng. Lit, AP Econ, Religion IV</p>

<p>Teacher Recs Were Amazing
Recycling Club Vice Pres.
Math Team (2nd in state in junior year)
Hospital Volunteer & Service Award (150 hours)
NHS Executive Board
Spanish Club Executive Board
Fencing (Club Sport)
More Extracurriculars but nothing very impressive....</p>

<p>I thought my essays were quite strong, talked about Research I did on Lasik eye surgery while I was at Brown University's summer program. </p>

<p>I'm also a legacy, but could I get in without being a legacy?</p>

<p>your in with being a legacy , didn’t you get the “legacy” letter from admissions</p>

<p>I did Summer@Brown too, and while I enjoyed it, I found the school too liberal for me to consider seriously. What did you think?</p>