EA, Class of 2013

<p>There hasn’t really been too much from the 2013 EA applicant for BC…
So, who applied?</p>

<p>Also, it says decisions are out BY December 25, but I think it is usually released by mail at an earlier date. Does anyone know this year?</p>

<p>i applied.
last year they sent out letters around the 17th.</p>

<p>i applied. Let’s post some basic info:</p>

<p>GPA : 4.0
ESSAYS : Adequate
RECS : Good</p>

<p>I applied too! Can’t wait to get the decision :)</p>

<p>GPA: 99.7 w
ESSAYS: Good, not incredible
RECS: Great to Excellent

<p>only a few weeks left … im bugging out : )</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8
Scores: 2080 SAT 620CR 710M 750W 5AP Gov 3AP US
School: CSM
Essays: Strong
Recs: Strong
State: PA (rural)</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone</p>

<p>I just want to get it over with!</p>

<p>GPA: 3.86
Scores: 2140 SAT, 800CR 650M 690W
Essays: Pretty Good
Recs: Very Strong
State: Island in Maine</p>

<p>I applied! I can’t wait for the response!</p>

<p>GPA: 4.22 W
Class Rank: Top 2%
ACT: 33 comp
SAT II: Math IIC 800, Physics 730
Essays: Strong
Recs: Strong
State: MN</p>

<p>I think I might have really reached for B.C compared to you others. You never know though.</p>

<p>i hate waiting haha
GPA: 4.34 w, 3.9 uw
SCORES: ACT 33, 5 AP Span, 4 AP Bio, 4 AP Enviro, 4 AP Eng Lang, 3 AP Chem
RECS: Excellent
STATE: California!</p>

<p>i’ve been pumped for weeks! getting in would be the best christmas present. hands down.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.16 uw
SAT I: 2160; 750 W; 730 CR; 680 M
SAT II: 730 US; 710 Lit
SCORES: 4 APUS, 4 AP English
ESSAYS: Excellent
RECS: Excellent
STATE: O-H-I-O</p>

<p>Anyone know what they want to major in? I’m thinking journalism and political science.</p>

GPA: 98.6% W 93ish UW
ACT: 34 comp
Rank: Only top 10% but my school is really competitive/sends tons to BC and other top-tier schools)
SAT II: Math IIC 750 Bio 780 Lit 700 (didn’t send any to BC though)
AP Scores: APUSH 4 AP Bio 5 AP Lang/Comp 4
Current classes: AP Phys, Span 4, AP Calc BC, AP Euro Hist, AP Comp Gov, AP Lit, and a religion class
Essays: My Common App main one was my best.
Recs: I waived my right to see them, but I caught a glimpse when my counselor was sending over some forms and one of my teachers checked off “top 1%/one of the best I’ve encountered” box for like 4 or 5 things and top 5% for the rest so I imagine the actual rec was pretty great
ECs: Good, not great–ACTIVE in several clubs, Pres of one, School Paper, Lots of Theater, some service, no sports
State: IL</p>

<p>I’m not super worried about getting in. People think it’s more difficult than it is. BC is quite competitive, but a significant number of people get in from my school with 30’s and just “good” averages. While a lot of posters have excellent stats, those whose stats are slightly less impressive shouldn’t freak out–as long as you have a decent (30+) ACT and ECs and have at least shown a strong effort on your transcript, you have a good shot.<–I hope that didn’t sound like I’m bragging or that I don’t think BC is an excellent school I just see a lot of people feeling inadequate/pessimistic about their chances. Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>JR526, thank you. you’re so reassuring. I got a 31 on my ACT and i’ve taken the hardest schedule i could have, but i’m REALLY really worried about getting in. I loveeee boston college and i really hope to go there.</p>

<p>Applied EA…</p>

<p>GPA: 98.55
SAT: 2280, 800 CR 720 MT 760 WR
Rank: Top 5%… school doesn’t rank but I’m either 2nd or 3rd
Private school in Upstate NY</p>

<p>I feel like I have a good chance of getting in. But I’m still crossing my fingers</p>

<p>GPA: 4.22W, 3.98UW
SAT: 1530/2230
Essays: Awesome! (or at least, I am very proud of them!)
Recs: Good.</p>

<p>I am so nervous!! I hate this part of the process! The best thing to do, I think, is forget about it all until after the envelope comes…</p>

<p>GPA: 4.39 w, 3.9 uw
ACT: 32
Essays: good
Recs: good
ECs: really good
Rank: top 2%</p>

<p>im nervous!</p>

<p>What day are we thinking?</p>

<p>GPA: 3.93 unweighted - IB diploma!
SAT: 2010 superscore
ACT: 28
Essays: Pretty good, I think?!
Recs: Pretty good, should have been better though
ECs: Excellent
Rank: Top 4%</p>

<p>I feel like I’m in here on some days, but on others I feel like I’m not. Let’s just say I’ll be disappointed if I’m not - considering that I’m applying to five million more competitive schools.</p>