<p>Has anyone heard yet? Got a Wheaton Christmas card; is that good news or no news? My d hasn't got any phone calls or anything :(</p>
<p>I live overseas and I got a personalized Christmas e-mail (instead of a card since I live overseas) and I replied to it and the lady who wrote me even wrote back! From what I can gather from old posts on this board, it seems decision letters were usually sent out around the 23rd or 24th and not received until the 30th/31st. But how about for me? I’m supposed to get my letter by e-mail and I was thinking they’d e-mail me the same day they postmark the letters but I guess not? :-/</p>
<p>So how about everyone else? Let us know as soon as you get anything!</p>
<p>I received my deferral to the RD deadline today with some info about delayed decision. But I was expecting a rejection, so I’m not too upset. I don’t think I’ll go though even on the tiny chance I do get through on RD…I got into Samford and Huntington and they’re both good schools and I have a better change for financial aid.</p>
<p>To DancingMKGirl:
I’m an international student, and I received the email yesterday, Jan 3rd. :)</p>
<p>Thanks, Jenny!! Yeah I got mine on the afternoon of the 2nd. Accepted. :-)</p>
<p>^ Congratulations!!
we might be “classmates” this fall~</p>
<p>Yeah, you never know! Where do you live? Are you an MK then?</p>
<p>(Sorry for the late reply-I stopped checking this site after I was accepted. haha. ;-)</p>