Eaglebrook Jr. Boarding

<p>Please share your opinions of Eaglebrook, good or bad. Thanks</p>

<p>i heard that it was a great school.
i know someone who goes to deerfield now and he went to eaglebrook.</p>

<p>only good things about eaglebrook.</p>

<p>I’ve heard some good things about it, but in general from what I hear about JBS it seems cut throat.</p>

<p>OUTSTANDING SCHOOL - but no school is perfect. I scratached round, and stuggled to come up with a list of negatives. (it was hard!)</p>

<p>Kids from other local Jr. prep schools call it the sausage factory.</p>

<p>6th grade math will take a kid where he is and go as far as he want. As of two years ago, in 7th grade all that is thrown away and math is one size fits all.</p>

<p>Development office will have its hand in your pocket at all time.</p>

<p>The school play leads will be the same kids - every play - roles are not spread around. Rehearsal schedule will clock student grades before country fair. </p>

<p>County Fair is a fundraising event, not entirely a parents weekend.</p>

<p>All kids are assumed to apply to top 10 hs preps. Many will repeat 9th grade at Prep, particularly if they are a recruited athlete or socially young. </p>

<p>There will be a surprising number of learning disabled children of trustees/celebrities. </p>

<p>Where as kids used to get into trouble by sledding at night on the sky hill, now they get into trouble (or don’t) because they are online gaming all night. </p>

<p>Cell Phones are prohibited because they ■■■■■■ the acclimation to boarding school life. Cell phones will be confiscated. Hense, some parent send little johnny with a bag full of cell phone, but bend the rule. There are a fair number of parents who assume that rules don’t apply to them. </p>

<p>Some older faculty complain that young faculty is in their apartment, on line, when they should be out on the dorm floors, interacting with the kids.</p>

<p>Penalty for infractions are a function of who you are, not what you did. But that apply to any top Prep school as well.</p>

<p>Slow down going under the railroad bridge at the bottom of the hill. Hotels in this Prep and college rich area fill up months in advance. </p>

<p>And that’s about the only negative things that I can think of. That’s a tiny list. </p>

<p>It is a great school, and I’d send a kid there in a heart beat.</p>

<p>Eaglebrook is a good school, I actually go there, and am in the 8th grade. Your experience at Eaglebrook depends on your dedication, if you are a slacker you will not be pushed hard, and you will float through. If you are a very dedicated student, you will take your education to a new level, and learn a language or pass high school math. Also the sports here are very good, the best of any pre prep school. Overall it is a good school.</p>

<p>We have played at The School for hockey every winter–seems like a decent Jr School-however seems very competitive.</p>

<p>Competition is a good thing from time to time. It makes people achieve more than they otherwise would.</p>

<p>I am biased but have you checked out Cardigan too?</p>

<p>A friend’s son had an excellent experience at Eaglebrook. He really matured academically.</p>

<p>I went to IMS, but Eaglebrook is also great from what I hear.</p>

<p>Eaglebrook has a top notch reputation.</p>

<p>Does anyone else have experience with Eaglebrook? S is thinking of applying. We would love to hear from more parents about their sons’ experiences. Seems like a great school.</p>

<p>Do a search for Eaglebrook here on CC and you’ll find all sorts of great reviews about EBS and other pre-prep Schools.</p>