Early Action Chizzances for Stanfizzle

<p>White Male, from Wyoming.
Rank: 1/330
GPA: UW:3.95, W:4.23
SAT 1: 2220 (750 V, 740 M, 730 W)
SAT IIs: October. Will take US Hist, Math IIC, and prob'ly an english one. Expecting 750+.
PSAT: 227, so I think that gets me some National Merit thing, I don't know which one.
APs: Chem 3, UShist 5, Eurohist 5, Geo 5, Calc AB 5
Next year: AP US Gov, AP Physics, AP English, AP Macro, AP Micro
Other Honors/Advanced:
Calc II, Calc III, Differential Equations, and Stats all at local college because I finished the math track at my school, getting A's in all of them.</p>

<p>Oh, the AP US, the AP Geo were both independent study, as will be the Macro/Micro next year.</p>

<p>I don't know if this matters but I basically tested out of freshman year.</p>

As Frosh: Won outstanding Novice.
As Soph, 1st Alt. to NFL Nats in Foreign Extemp
As Junior, 3rd place state Foreign Extemp, along w/Placing in top 60 at Nats in FX.
Also kicked butt in LD at several tournaments in-state, but nothing too eye-catching in WY.
Was also VP of Debate team, and won the Outstanding Contribution to Forensics award, which is kinda like MVP.
Senior YR: Prez debate team, and our season starts too late for it to impact App, but will be starting a program to recruit and train middleschoolers in debate.</p>

<p>Spanish Club (9-12) prob'ly secretary or VP next year, but it's not a big deal really.</p>

<p>Ultimate Frisbee Club (11-12): Founder and VP Junior Year, Prez Senior Year, helped set up a tourney which attracted 30+ kids for Disc Golf.</p>

<p>Choir (9th, 12th): Didn't do it the whole way through b/c of scheduling.</p>

<p>Other Music: Guitar (6-12) and Uke (10-12, Self-taught) </p>

<p>NHS (11-12): Prez, 12th, will be doing a ton of stuff, community service related, like tutoring elementary school kids, helping freshman adjust to high school, setting up college fairs, raising money for local charities. Expecting around 100+ hrs from it this yr, which will bring total Comm. Service up to around 200+. </p>

<p>Youth Court (11-12): Defense attorney.</p>

<p>Young Dems (9-12): Not much really for the club, but in 9th grade volunteered for Senate Campaign, as well as Junior YR. </p>

<p>Environment Club (11-12): Co-Founder and Secretary, involved in cleanups around town, and also in a program which we used to get recycling bins placed around the school (there weren't any before.)</p>

<p>District Instructional Council (12): The school's Rep on the school district's curriculum oversight committee. Only one senior from each high school is on it.</p>

<p>Drama (9-12): Participated in basically every play the school's done, big role in my life, tons of hours during show times, possible essay source.</p>

JV Tennis (9-12), 11th grade won JV Sportsmanship award. </p>

For past four years, attended Northwestern U's Summer CTD program. Last year, attended debate camp as well. This year, am spending 8 weeks Spanish Immersion in Spain.</p>

<p>Jobs: Not much, but summer/occasional/part time on a ranch that I love and will most likely be writing essays about.</p>

<p>Recs: Expecting 1 Really Good from my English teacher/NHS advisor, 1 Good from my AP Phys, and I'm not sure on the Counselor, cuz we're getting a new one in the fall, which I'm not a fan of, but w/e, I'll prob'ly get a decent rec at the very least. </p>

<p>Essays: Here's where I think I can shine. Dad's a writer, and I'm going to be putting full force into my essays basically the moment I get the Apps. I have a couple unique things, like my ranch work that I could mention, but like I said, expecting really good essays.</p>

<p>Legacy: Aunt and Uncle both attended Stanford</p>



<p>122 people have looked at this. Any input from anybody?</p>

<p>I wouldn't worry too much, unless you insist upon putting "izzle" on the end of every other word on your application, in which case I would be very worried.</p>

<p>thanks, anyone else?</p>


<p>You have a good chance, especially because you're from Wyoming. Only a few people from your state are probably even applying... What part of Wyoming do you live in, because your long list of AP's and Ec's doesn't seem to match up with your area... Usually, at the max, schools in Wyoming only offer a few AP's and clubs and A LOT of sports. You must come from one of the best/biggest high schools. I think you have an amazing chance. I'm from South Dakota, just so you know. Only like one or two people on these forums are from SD,ND,MT,or WY.</p>

<p>other thoughts?</p>

<p>I think only parents are considered in Legacy considerations.</p>

<p>thanks. others?</p>


<p>you sound a whole lot like me! weird. I didn't know they had youth court in Wyoming. How often do you guys have it, once a month?</p>

<p>The fact that you're from Wyoming will definitely boost your chances a ton, and I think your drama background will too, since not very many guys do that stuff.</p>

<p>Let me tell u something. Your stats are very good. But so are the MANY other stats on this board. Where is the flavor. Being white and out of state doesn't help. Believe me. I am white and my sister didn't get in to stanford and she had stats similar to yours. I am a female too with not so good stats and I am applying but I doubt I will get in. That is just how I think. I am really straight forward.
BTW, the izzle thing is VERY immature and NOT cool at all.</p>

<p>"BTW, the izzle thing is VERY immature and NOT cool at all"?
I realize you are white, anonymous, but how old are you, 85?</p>

<p>u have a really good shot. scores arent amazing though.</p>

<p>Yeah I wish that SAT I score met my PSAT. I mean, I know the score is solid, but I know it's not stellar compared to other admits.</p>

<p>Don't blame your scores or grades if you don't get in. They are right above the average (and that's for the ADMITTED class, not the applicant pool).</p>

<p>SAT 2s:
Math 2c: 770
Lit: 680
USH: 770</p>

<p>Will the 680 sink me?</p>