Early Action - Class of 2023

ours says under review- this is the first time I checked since yesterday morning, so not sure if there was any temporary change in status

did anyone call admissions to find out what happened?

Same here, says “under review” again…

Nephew also reported changes in his portal but nothing of note in terms of acceptance or rejection. But I assume it is a good sign that things are moving along.

We took a screenshot. Did anyone else?

That was the smart thing to do. We just looked at it real quick this morning…

I spoke to admissions and they said that they had a systems error and the Decisions should not have been posted on the portal last night. They also said that they hope to correct the problem and resend decisions by the end of this week or the 15th at the latest. One concern is they said that the decision received may or may not be the decision you receive when they complete the accurate portal updates. Fortunately we printed the acceptance letter.

@2023collbound S Accepted Last Night, but portal went back to under review this afternoon. I spoke to admissions and they said that they had a systems error and the Decisions should not have been posted on the portal last night. They also said that they hope to correct the problem and resend decisions by the end of this week or the 15th at the latest. One concern is they said that the decision received may or may not be the decision you receive when they complete the accurate portal updates. Fortunately we printed the acceptance letter.

Honestly, they need to get the act together. This is truly pathetic.

I printed mine, Thank god. Im sure a lot of people will be suing if their decision changes after that glitch

@colatownmom the same thing happened at Tulane 2 years ago. Anytime there is technology , there is the potential for problems.

One concern is they said that the decision received may or may not be the decision you receive when they complete the accurate portal updates.

Well, this is a little disconcerting.

First the unclear postings on all the social media before Christmas raising students’ expectations, now the “fake” admissions letter, wonder what they come up with next…

Pretty crazy. I should have printed out the accptance letter that was in my daughters portal last night.

@FromColatown seriously?! I’m sure that they will not " come up" with anything next.

I think the comment about how the decision may or may not be correct was just their way of pulling back the decision to not give it away to those who saw the update last night/this morning. I am so bummed I did not check the portal during the open window!

Printing out an acceptance letter from a college does not do anything to help you in a legal case. You cannot sue for a school saying you are accepted and then saying it was a mistake there are no legal grounds to sue. Not saying that does not suck to have happened but there just are no legal grounds to sue.

Breach of contract? No. They didn’t enter into a binding contract with you.
Intentional infliction of emotional distress? No. They didn’t withdraw the offer because they were trying to harm you.
Negligent infliction of serious emotional distress? No. This legal theory cannot be used in the absence of physical harm to the plaintiff.

did anyone get rejected or deferred on their portal last night? Just curious…lol

Yes, I am serious.

@FromColatown that was rhetorical question. I knew you were serious when you wrote it. Every post that you have written has been derogatory. I’m just curious why the school remains on your student’s list when clearly you are dissatisfied with everything that they do.