Early Action or Regular Decision

Madison is my no. 1 school and I will commit if accepted, but I’m not sure whether to do EA or RD. I’ve heard many times that earlier is better when applying and early action better indicates my interest; however, my GPA is well below the typical admit so would it make more sense to wait, submit my q1 and q2 grades, and then apply regular decision? I would think my senior yr grades are especially important considering my extenuating circumstances. Will I be able to submit my Q1 grades and have them considered if I do early decision even though the early decision timeline ends before the first quarter ends? If I do regular decision what are some good ways to indicate my interest level?

Demographics: White male in 11th grade, middle class, large Minnesota public school

Intended major: finance

ACT: first attempt: 29 (32 english, 29 math, 28 reading, 26 science)

second attempt: 33(35 english, 31 math, 34 reading, 30 science)

GPA: 3.46 UW, 3.58W

Class Rank: Top 35% (barely)

8 AP classes by graduation, a few honors classes

Extenuating Circumstances: Missed approx. 7-10 days a quarter(35 in total) during my sophomore year because of a medical condition and that same condition severely affected my sleep during my sophomore and junior years—I was lucky to get 4-5 hours on most nights. I plan on going into my detail on the additional info portion of the common app. I haven’t done the math, but if you ignore my sophomore year then my GPA should be around 3.6 UW. My freshman year GPA was about 3.7, sophomore year about 3.1, and then year about 3.5. My condition was ‘fixed’ towards the end of my junior year and you can see an upward trend because I had a 3.7 GPA the last quarter. For schools like Madison, I’m just hoping for a waitlist so I can prove myself with my first semester grades.

The downside to EA is the risk of rejection – I am just one UW parent, so take it with a grain of salt, but I don’t think a MN student with a 33 is going to be rejected outright in the early round, more likely postponed – which gets you to the same place as RD timing. Typically, the early acceptances are the high stat kids, and a 33 would help make that case but the 3.46 UW is not enough to push you into that high stat category. A a short paragraph in your app explaining that you had a medical condition sophomore year which resulted in extensive absences, and which has now been addressed fully, would be worthwhile. Also, if your guidance counselor’s letter of rec also said something about sophomore year.

On balance, I’m leaning towards suggesting RD, with the goal of being able to show stellar grades fall semester, to make your case.

You need to explain how a medical condition influenced your grades and that the problem was fixed. Since you are from a MN school your guidance counselor will likely have experience dealing with UW applicants and you should discuss with him/her (as in post # 1).

You have a great ACT score. Improving grades next semester will be helpful. Your decision will be accepted, a deferral/postponement or denial. The waitlist is only done is space available after May student final decisions have been made. Your GC likely can best help you with strategies- waiting for semester grades or going ahead next fall. The key is medical issues now resolved. You did not do terribly despite them, btw. Your last quarter shows improvement (and because of earlier lack of learning skills/material may not be as high as it might have been if you had learned more before then).

UW looks at more than just numbers. It is worth your time to apply. Get the application ready and submit based on your GC’s timing recommendation.

Remember- any advice we strangers on CC give is not as valuable as that from the professional who knows you.

Thank you for help. I will make sure to talk to my GC. Right now, I’m planning on spending a paragraph on it for my “why wisconsin” essay and then I may go into more detail on the additional info portion of the common app.

This info is very useful. The chance that I’m rejected outright is likely greater than the chance I’m accepted outright and I’d probably just be hoping for a deferral if I did ED, so I’ll likely wait.

ED and a full essay on common app additional info section. Thats your best shot at acceptance. My son had similar situation and applied ED to his top school & EA to all others. He was accepted ED at top choice and also accepted at 5 out of 6 schools where he applied EA… his grades/scores were not as strong as yours, but he had solid essays & explained his situation in a way that it did not appear as if he were merely making excuses… Good luck!
Don’t forget to visit the school & to reach out to admissions officer for your area. The admissions officer will have you in their files and they do look at interest level of applicants, regardless of what they may “say” on their website…

Post # 5- are you sure interest applies to state flagships??? Many students do not bother admissions but go there.