Early Decision Chances at Duke

<p>Asian American/Male

<p>Attends one of the mosts competitive public high schools in the country(Boston Latin School, we get 20+ kids into harvard every year, 14 admitted early this year, not so lucky at MIT though, abnout 2/3 a year, 2 admitted early this year, Duke 4 in last 4 years)</p>

Class rank: (N/A) top 10%
GPA: B average in Frosh, A average in Soph, A/A+ average in Junior/Senior</p>

<p>SATs: 2340 760R, 800M, 780W
800 Math IIC
800 Chem
760 Physics
760 U.S.</p>

<p>Most Rigorous Courseload available to students at my schools
Skipped 1 year of math
World Hist - 4
US Hist -5
Calc BC - 5
Chem AP 5
Statistics(self Study) - 5
Physics -
Econ -
Enviro Sci -</p>

<p>Harvard Classes (Night classes took 1 per semester starting junior year/2 in first semester of senior year):</p>

<p>Computer Science using Java - A
Biology - A
Multivariable Calc- ?(A/A-)
Physics- ? (A/A-)</p>

Violin since age 8
Math Team Captian
Science Olympiad-Vice Pres
Science Bowl
Computer Club- Pres
A.S.I.A Club
Founder of a Math tutoring Program for competition lvl Math
Founder of Shostokovich String quartet at School
In Orchestras in school and out
Ulitmate Frisbee club</p>

Qualified for USA Math Olympiad (Top 250 kids in the nation)
5th place in 42nd Annual state math olympiad -soph
Schools Math team MVP
American regions math team A team memeber since soph
1st place in 43rd annual state math olympiad - jun
Invited to American computer science league All star compeition OHIO
Various math awards
Honor Roll
Perfect attendance all through HS</p>

Tutoring in School(sacrafice a study period) - since soph
Tutoring at Boston Public Libraries 4 hours a week on Sundays - since soph
Volunteer at Hospital during summer</p>

Soph BU's PROMYS(Program in mathematics for young Scientists- proabbly one of the most well known math summer progs in U.S, takes 70 kids nationwide)
Junior - Northeastern university's Young scholar program, a summer lab internship(wrote a good chem paper there)
Senior- plans to return to PROMYS
Wrote a really good math reserach paper on Goldback's conjecture</p>

8 hours a week since junior year/ law office</p>

<p>Essays: Good (not Excellent)
Recs: 1 good, 1 Excellent</p>

<p>What do you think my chances are at Duke(Early Decision), UChicago(RD), Cornell, Columbia, Brown, Rice, MIT(lol), Harvard(lol)</p>

<p>I think you're in at Duke ED</p>

<p>Aren't early decision results already out?</p>

<p>IN at duke</p>

<p>Is duke your first choice? Personally I think you can go even "higher," so to speak.</p>


<p>My 9th grade grades were pretty bad....</p>

<p>Yeah well first off a lot of colleges don't even look at 9th grade, and the fact that you improved is a big deal. Colleges look for upward trends (and downward ones too, but yours ain't downward at all!)</p>

<p>By the way Boston Latin is a cool place, I was there last year for a debate tournament (HArvard) and will be back in mid-February!</p>

<p>hey jimbob, u think coming from Boston Latin School gives a student any type of advantage when applying to Duke, I mean,is it well known by college admissions outside of Massachusetts in your opinion?</p>

<p>in at Duke. poor 9th grade grades mean nothing as long as there's a serious upward trend</p>

<p>well to answer your question about whether the fact that you went to boston latin means anything...
i went to a major private school on the west coast. our mean SAT score was 2070 this year (class of 06). that affected the college's view of class rank and GPA--how tough the classes and competition were. as a result, these admissions for the class of 05:
Brown University (6); Berkeley (58); Carnegie Mellon University (18); Cornell University (10); Harvard (3); MIT (13); New York University (12); University of Pennsylvania (11); Princeton University (2); University of Southern California (34); University of St. Andrews, Scotland (3); Stanford (11); Wellesley College (14); and Yale (6)</p>

<p>So the same should go for your school. If it's a tough school with lots of ivy admits, it is treated as such by colleges. they know.</p>

<p>^ok the mean results for class of 06 did not affect the class of 05 but you get the idea.</p>


<p>Duke: Match</p>

<p>last <em>bump</em></p>

<p>Good a chance as anyone...</p>