<p>me and my friend have had an ungoing argument about early decision!
so..i say that you should do early decision if you pretty much in and thats why early decision have a higher percentage in. what is early decision, other then it being your first choice ?
thanks :]</p>
<p>wow… I think you just murdered grammar and then defaced its corpse</p>
<p>do ED if it’s your first choice and only if it’s your first choice. oh, and make sure you have $$$.</p>
<p>early decision is binding. you can only apply to one school early decision and if you get in you have to go. you can apply to several schools early action so applying early decision is only good if you’re positive you want to go to a school</p>
<p>They also have single choice Early Action now. Yale and a couple other schools do it. You can only apply to one school early, but the application isn’t binding.</p>
<p>Its not that the acceptance rate is higher. Its that those that apply early decision are more qualified in the first place.</p>
<p>There’s really no point in applying ED/EA unless A) you have all your testing/major EC’s/etc. done by the app deadline and B) you don’t want to wait till April 1 for a response.</p>
<p>Do ED if you’re in the top 50%, you can afford the school, and the school is your first choice.</p>