I'm debating whether or not to graduate early or go for the 4-year typical high school plan. I currently have a 3.7GPA and is a sophomore. I am taking AP courses, gifted hours courses, and have many officer positions in clubs. I'm fully capable of graduating early (Already spoke to counselor) and I would like to leave early because I believe I'm ready and wouldn't want to waste another year at my crappy high school. Although I seem to lean toward this side, will graduating early actually benefit me?</p>
<p>What do top-notch schools (ivy leagues, nyc, brown, etc) think about early graduation? Are my chances of getting accepted higher? Will getting financial aid be more difficult?</p>
<p>If I do stay another year, I do have the chances of increasing my GPA by taking more AP courses. Will it be worth another year though?</p>
<p>Please provide me feedback on what I shall do! Cons and Pros and what you would do if you were in my situation</p>