Early Upper School BS applicant for 2022-2023. Chance me!

Hello everybody,

First post here on CC.

Here are the schools I’m looking into at the moment for the 2022-2023 school year, the list will certainly grow:


I’m also looking into some private schools in my area.

Here is some information about me, but things are sure to change by the time applications start opening up again:

  • Currently in 9th grade, unsure of whether to repeat 10th grade or go for 11th

  • 3.9 UW GPA (All core classes are honors classes, current school does not weight grades, no current AP classes, but will be taking AP’s both over the summer and during the next year at my current school prior to applications)

  • FA/FP : FA

  • I currently play the Trombone and have for about 6 years, in Concert band, Jazz ensemble, and Marching band(nationally known high school marching band) my school doesn’t have chair positions (but if there were, I would be 1st chair, as I’ve shown significantly outstanding performance ability in all fields).

  • Strong extracurriculars: Mock Trial, Debate, Chess club (which I am soon to acquire the president position for, prior to applications, and am also working towards a master title for, but will most likely not acquire before applications), Economics club, hoping to start a Finance club (The stock market is my favorite thing to both discuss and study, I want to start a hedge fund when I grow up, and will try and intern at some if possible)

  • Scheduled to go on duty as the next Commanding Officer of my Sea Scout ship (will go on duty prior to applications) after acquiring the preceding rank, and am the youngest person in my vessel’s history to have reached this position, to my knowledge (I am a sea scout currently, in addition to the other extracurriculars)

  • I own and run an ecommerce marketing business

  • I have experience in programming and have partaken in a coding competition and will partake in more competitions prior to applications

  • An estimated 20 or so volunteer hours, currently have plans to start a nonprofit with a friend of mine for the homeless


  • Have not taken the SSAT, but plan on doing so relatively soon

  • Sports: I’ve done both track and field and cross country in middle school, but I am not doing any sports currently

  • No noteworthy awards in competitions

Chance me!

If you want to go to BS, you’re going to need more schools than that. These schools reject many qualified students each year. Check out some of these schools:

You need FA, and you should (imho) repeat 10th grade. Admissions in 11th grade, esp with FA, is extremely hard. Most new 11th graders are athletic recruits, and/or are full pay.


Something worth noting is that the boarding school that I get accepted into has to outweigh the programs I’m already able to do (which are already amazing), otherwise I’ll not be able to go. The list will probably stay relatively small, but I’m not afraid of rejection. Thank you for the info.

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Most BS have programs like the schools you listed- it’s just the name. Even if you were going to apply to “top tier,” you should still add some schools like

St. Paul’s
Loomis Chaffee

These schools are all considered “top schools” and are of the same caliber of schools you mentioned.


I’m still mostly new to school applications in general, but I’ll add those to the list! Thank you!

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No problem!

Some other things to note are:

Ethnicity: Mixed race (Norwegian, Native American, and African American)

Teacher relationships: very very good

If you go for 11th grade, chances are they’ll ask for the ACT or SAT (PSAT maybe) rather than the SSAT. Even if not, I think a good score on one of these tests would really help you, so start prepping for those if you can. I had great ACT scores on file when I applied, and I definitely think those helped me stand out.

As someone said earlier, if you are committed to going to boarding school, you’ll need to diversify your list. When I was applying to boarding schools only a few years ago, places like Loomis and Taft were considered a half-tier below the places the Deerfield and Choate–definitely no longer the case. Look at places like Blair, Peddie, Kent, NHM, etc. All of those places can probably provide more programs than your current school, and are all fantastic opportunities.

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Another vote to expand the list. The schools on your list get tons of applicants and you could very easily get shut out of all of them. Needing lots of FA means you need to bring something to the school it doesn’t have. Maybe it’s that you represent a SES class that is underrepresented. Maybe it’s your musical talent. Having good academic credentials is a given, though.

I noted your sea scout activities. Have you looked at Tabor?

Mercersburg and George have some of the highest % of students on FA so could be worth a look, and George has very strong programs for coders.

You would probably want to talk to each school about their position on the 10th vs 11th decision. Most would encourage 10th, I think, but you will need to be able to articulate the pros and cons for yourself and your situation.

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+1 for Tabor given your Sea Scout activity.

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@gardenstategal I sent you a PM.

@prepScholar2 , nothing there!