<p>First, I am not posting this thread because I want to find a school I can get through easily. I'm, like most rising seniors, trying to put together a college list. I want to make sure I look into certain options which may not be as competitive as some of the other top colleges. </p>
<p>So I don't know, maybe we could briefly talk about the top 25-35 colleges u guys have heard to be the easiest to get through. This doesn't mean bad education, but where there isn't as much emphasis on grades. Schools like Brown, where you still are able to get an excellent education, but your college life doesn't have to sent around fullfilling requirements and maintaining a GPA. I am really looking to add a college or 2 where I can really take the classes I enjoy and focus on my education to be a learning experience and not one to get that A in the class. </p>
<p>Of the top colleges, I've heard that Brown and Stanfod are known to be easier to get through. What else?</p>
<p>uva, unc, ucla, umich.. basically all the state schools except berkeley. harvard has gentlemen's c so u can't really get below that. it's pretty ez to do well but hard part is getting in. yale is also pretty lenient (look at bush) you can get a b avg without even trying.</p>
<p>Check out this link-you'll find that the ivy league, stanford and most of the elite schools give out "A" grades like liberals give out excuses for terrorists and child molesters ;-). State schools tend to have much less of a grade inflation issue than elite colleges.</p>
<p>To the last poster, what proof do you have that Bush is dumb? A bad public speaker, I'll give you, but dumb, I'd like to see the case. By the way, Bush's SAT scores and Yale GPA were superior to John Kerry's. Not that grades and scors are equivalent to brains, but they are many times, correlated.</p>
<p>Ok, so Bush isn't dumb, but who told you liberals make excuses for terrorists and child molesters? That is far more untrue and malicious than what was said about Bush.</p>
<p>We do tend to forget that Harvard, Yale, Brown and Stanford are four of the top 10 universities in the country...at what point can we credit the students with earning their high grades?</p>