<p>ha ha ha the Blue Citrus cafe…</p>
<p>I just took a look at the prompts. Thank you guys for the links though. "I will check it out.</p>
<p>I would recommend it to my brother except college admissions is already over i bet it would help</p>
<p>but ya lolilaughed has a point - the contest is free. and it’s legitimate because i was referred a while back from a contestant friend of mine.</p>
<p>he didn’t place and i never checked it out. this is a good site to compete in if you’re interested in business.</p>
<p>getting 1st in nation w/ something like this would prob be stunning for college apps for the class of 2010 or below!</p>
<p>Yes. I wonder how far having 1st in nation would get you in college apps. The contest is legitimate AND a FIRST in the nation would be so good, even if it was an easy business contest.</p>
<p>sorry for the double post. i think my browser bugged out.</p>
<p>thanks for the referral to the website [Business</a> Contest NOVA CHALLENGE](<a href=“http://www.novachallenge.org%5DBusiness”>http://www.novachallenge.org) … Im going to apply for it and hopefully place. win win situation right?</p>
<p>too bad college admissions is over. this would be good for class of 2010 though.</p>
<p>there’s even a digg page for it: [Digg</a> - NOVA Challenge Business Contest](<a href=“http://www.digg.com/educational/NOVA_Challenge_Business_Contest_2]Digg”>http://www.digg.com/educational/NOVA_Challenge_Business_Contest_2)</p>
<p>I already finished one of the prompts from <a href=“http://www.novachallange.org%5B/url%5D”>www.novachallange.org</a>
this is definatly the easiest crap i’ve ever done</p>
<p>Can we do more than one?</p>
<p>Yea, i believe it was stated somewhere you can do more than one event. I asked them if we have to turn in an extra registration and they said no.</p>
<p>Awesome. I might just apply for all of them! Hah jk. Wish I had that much free time though.</p>
<p>Hm, that’s prob what I’m going to do over spring break…</p>
<p>Haha I’m planning on doing Investment Aptitude, Emerging Economic Issues, and Business Plan. Good luck though!</p>
<p>I think Emerging Economic Issues is a bit of a tough event. I don’t even know where to begin w/ that. How are you going to approach that prompt?</p>
<p>Well I’m looking at it globally, noting how other emerging countries are using controlled currency rates which actually hurt the global economy on the whole - how the U.S.'s consumer policies are detrimental etc.</p>
<p>^ okay, wow. if the competition is like this, i’m done :(</p>
<p>Lol no worries, I’ve just read a large number of books on both macro and micro economics and business management - I can give you help if you need it in other categories :)</p>
<p>I don’t think there will be others like me in this category haha</p>
<p>Hm, for Emerging Economic Issues, I think I might write it on the tariffs? relate it to the cause of the Great Depression?</p>
<p>Eh that seems a little iffy but you can if you want - that could be a legit reason. The only reason why I wouldn’t is because this is more of a global issue. Plus theres the whole “You must relate events from January 2008 to now”. Tariffs could be fine - I just wouldn’t use America as your proof though</p>
<p>From what i’ve seen and read the only reason why we’re in such deep trouble is because the global economy on the whole is completely unstable and there are a few ways to “stabilize it”</p>
<p>Dude I remember back in 05 the [Nova</a> Challenge](<a href=“http://www.novachallenge.org%5DNova”>http://www.novachallenge.org) wasn’t as competitive. If you guys get a head start and start planning now I’m sure you’ll place. I’m thinking bout doing enterprise leadership it would sound hella cool on a college app</p>
<p>Yes it would. But of course so do the other possible events haha - Good luck to you!</p>