<p>I'm looking for some easy upper division classes to round out my schedule. It's a hefty courseload so I really need something that's not too hard. Any recs are greatly appreciated, thanks!</p>
<p>Easy and upper division classes are contradictory in nature lol
Sorry I am not helping. I am a freshman.</p>
<p>^^^ strong freshman knowledge.</p>
<p>I’ve heard some of the Desma classes are easy, some of the film ones as well (I think it’s like 131 or something like that)</p>
<p>I actually think Chemistry 153A was an easy upper division class, but it’s based on what you like and know, so I guess not everyone will agree with my feelings about biochemistry.</p>
<p>@OP I actually don’t understand. You didn’t say your major, then are you taking upper division courses outside your major? Why do you do that? Is there some kind of requirement?</p>
<p>BUMP. That time of year again. Any easy upper divisions? Or interesting ones? (Preferably ones that aren’t major restricted or ones where they professor just lets you in.)</p>
<p>Anthro 118 with DeMatte, Religion M173C</p>
<p>History 125C with Baldwin. German History and you learn about nazis and holocaust. Easy paper and 1 final paper all takehome.</p>
<p>I think it really depends on what your major is. If you’re a science major, Biostats 100A is supposed to be really easy.</p>
<p>Biochemistry 153A with Tienson was easy compared to what I was hearing from other students (but I’m a bit biased because I do like biochem and seem to have an easier time with it than the other students I was taking the class with), but you also have to spend a bit of time memorizing the different proteins and cycles (TCA, ETC, glycolysis) so it might not be advisable to be taking this class with a hefty load.</p>