easy writing 20 course?

<p>anybody got any advice on a really easy writing 20?</p>

<p>Prof Vidra is a good writing 20 prof. Idk what class she's teaching this year but I took coral reefs with her my freshmen year.</p>

<p>Prof. Ennis was verrryyyy easy. It was Aztec and Maya Lit last spring, which sounds pretty boring to some, but he made into an incredibly interesting course. Also, the papers (there were like 5 TOTAL, which is VERY low when you realize that other W20's often have a paper a week) were graded very easily. Also a great, friendly guy.</p>

<p>i second what the poster above me said. professor ennis is awesome. the subject itself is boring beyond belief (and its really embarassing to fall asleep in a 12 person class when you’re 6 feet from the professor), but that being said there are very few writing assignments and most are pretty short and very easily bs-able. also he lets you rewrite anything for a higher grade. </p>

<p>so if you have 3 exams that week and churn out a crappy paper and get a B (because he really won’t hand out grades any lower than that), just fix it based on teh comments he gives and he’ll give you an A the second time around.</p>

<p>highly recommend him if you want a writing 20 that will be easy and stress-free.</p>

<p>verhoeven if she’s teaching</p>