ec opinions: interest vs prestige

Can someone give me their opinion on my EC’s? My reach schools are probably Northwester, UChicago, Tufts, Carnegie Mellon and (this is my most unlikely) Princeton.

So I’ve been going to summer camp for a long time, and it’s really impacted me so I went back and became a counselor there. I really enjoy working with middle school aged kids, and I’ve been a small group leader for 6th grade girls in my youth group for 2 years and served on the music ministry there. I also teach violin private lessons to middle schoolers.

I’m also on varsity science olympiad and I’m going to be captain for the next season. I also have 400+ hours of community service.

I know my EC’s aren’t super prestigious or well-known, but they are something that I’m really passionate about.

Do what you’re interested in. In my opinion, it’s better to be in the chess club for 4 years, and become president your senior year because you love it than spend a summer in Costa Rica to build an application. If you work hard in what you’re interested in, you will be recognized for it.