Econ Major Questions

<p>I'm applying as a 3rd year transfer, and I'm kind of worried about the credits that'll transfer. I tried reading through the website, but it's kind of weird haha. Here are the courses I've taken thus far; I would like to know which ones will transfer for the major concentration and/or as electives.</p>

<p>1)Intro to macroecon
2)Intro to microecon
3)Intermediate macro
4)Intermediate micro
5)Economic history of Europe
6)Calculus 1
7)Calculus 2
9)Intro statistics
10)Writing- Constructive argument
11)Research writing
12)Intro to anthropology
13)Intro to political science
14)American Government & Politics
16)Intro to Computer science (for arts students)</p>

<p>Is there some sort of restriction on the number of credits transferred (other than the maximum 60-credit restriction) Would I be able to "trade in" some of my major courses with electives just to transfer as many credits as possible? </p>
