Economics and Investment Banking

<p>Is Economics a good undergrad major to go into for a career in Investment Banking?</p>

<p>I believe it is.</p>

<p>i dont think it is quantitative enough at the ugrad level? they like very quantitative people.</p>

<p>i think math and econ would be better</p>

<p>Econ is a great major for many things, including I Banking. </p>

<p>bsbllallstr8, although it is true that IBanks like quantitative people, I have known a fair share of Michigan English majors who got jobs at top IBanks. </p>

<p>In short, if you have a love for numbers, definitely take as much math and quantitative Economics as you can. But it is not necessary. The most important thing is to go to a large IB hunting ground, maintain a high GPa (at least a 3.4 or 3.5) and take the initiative early and often.</p>