Economics BA vs. BS

<p>I am currently a freshman picking classes for next year. I need to decide whether or not to major in Economics BA or Economics BS. The BA is just economics classes, with a required minor, which would be political science for me, and would allow me to do a sport management minor as well. It also requires me to take two semesters of foreign language. The BS has classes to help build a business background. However, I may only have time to do one minor with this one.</p>

<p>I hope to go to law school and either become a sports agent or do some kind of legal work for a team. Do law schools like the Economics BA or BS better?</p>

<p>Law schools will not care whether you earn a B.S. or a B.A. in Economics. All they care about is your GPA.</p>

<p>So law school admission counselors don’t look at the differences between the two majors? Like the courses or focus?</p>