I want to major in biomedical engineering and I was wondering if you could tell me how my ECs are? I really want to got to the top UCs
-Club President and Founder
-Tutor kids in STEM at the library (2 years)
-Volunteer for two organizations, one advocates health in India and the other education in India
-I have been dancing for the past 8 years (Indian classical, Bollywood, and Jazz), plan to do fundraisers with this
-Photography, plan to do fundraisers based off of it
-I have been singing Indian Classical music for the past 10 years and have performed at many big events
-I am part of a council that makes decisions for the library
-Volunteer at literally every STEM event in my city
-Teach kids yoga
-Planning to teach young girls the basics of computer science
I am currently a sophomore.

hello can anyone help?

Pretty good, a lot to your extracurriculars show passion in science so that is good! Keep up the good work.

hello not many people have helped pls answer if u can

You’re doing great! Focus on what you want to do, as it’ll show when you are writing college application stuff. Best of luck!

You show a lot of musical/theater and science things – that’s very good!

I feel that you should do things that you’re passionate about and not just for looking better on a resume. And you very clearly are doing that! Just keep doing what you’re doing and I feel you have a very bright future!

Looks good.