ED Chances

<p>Basics: Pakistani Male
School: Very large, pretty competitive public school in SoCal (2600 students)
Rank: 88th (ish) percentile
GPA: 96.8 weighted
Probable major/minor: Neuroscience</p>

<p>SAT: 2180
ACT: 33</p>

<p>SAT II: Bio: 770, Math I: 800</p>

<p>EC: </p>

<p>200 hours during summer at a lab and volunteering at a hospital</p>

<p>"Doctor Shadowing" during summer</p>

<p>Very very active member of international organization, MQM (Supports underrepresented Pakistanis and provides relief overseas). I've been a part for the last 3 years and just recently helped raise somewhere around $12,000 through a nationwide telethon. </p>

<p>Went to Pakistan for past 2 years to help rebuild some areas </p>

<p>Have my own podcast that I give to students at school for free which basically summarizes everything taught in APUSH in 25 episodes.</p>

<p>Former member of Acadec
President of Math club for past 2 years
President of Science Olympiad for past 2 years
Finance Manager of Model UN (And co-founded club at our school last year)
CSF, Cervantes, Key club</p>

<p>Extra classes taken over past 2 years:
Pathophysiology (UCLA Extension)
Intro to Clinical Medicine (UCLA Extension)
Microbiology (BYU Online)
Anatomy (BYU Online)
Intro to Biomedical Engineering (Yale Online)
Organic Chemistry (Yale Online)</p>

<p>Extra Classes currently taking:
Neurobiology (Harvard Extension)
Molecular Biology (Berkeley Extension)
Genetics (Berkeley Extension)</p>

<p>Work: Tutoring in Biology and Math. </p>

<p>Senior schedule: AP Physics, AP Bio, AP Gov/Econ, AP Spanish, AP Stats, ASB (I'm currently ASB Treasurer), and English 12 (Couldnt fit AP Lit in my schedule)</p>

<p>Other: </p>

<p>-great rec from math and English teachers
-good counselor rec
-great essays</p>

<p>Legacies: Uncle graduated Hopkins</p>

<p>Please tell me what you think. Any feedback/advice is much appreciated. I will chance back, just leave a link. Thanks</p>

<p>Feel free to say something people…</p>

<p>Wealth? Any input?</p>

<p>Most likely in. Only thing i would look at is how many kids they take from your high school.</p>

<p>i think everyone has a 40-50% chance in ED at Hopkins. Good luck. What did Hopkins do with your high school last year? Do you know?</p>

<p>I believe we had 6 students apply regular decision and 3 got in. People from our school never seem to apply early decision</p>

<p>And the 3 that got accepted chose to go to other schools </p>


<p>I can only imagine ED will help you. Good luck!</p>

<p>Makes sense</p>

