Chances: Hopkins ED

<p>Ok so to make it short and sweet, my GPA is standing at about a 3.5 unweighted and a 4.0 weighted.</p>

<p>Everything else is fine i guess. Here's a summer
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern (From Pakistan)</p>

<p>2180 SAT
750 Math SAT 2
750 Chem SAT 2</p>

<p>President of the Math team *2 years
President of Science Olympiad Team
Treasure of Model UN club
ASB Secretary and Treasure
Academic Decathlon member
Have my own podcast that basically summarizes everything we learned in APUSH to about 30 different episodes (1 for every chapter)
Key Club Member *for past 3 years</p>

<p>Extra classes taken or in progress (Summer 2010)
Anatomy and Microbiology thru BYU Distance Education
Pathophysiology and Intro to Clinical Medicine thru UCLA Extension
Also did Astronomy, just cuz i was interested in has nothing to do with what I wanna do later on</p>

<p>And enrolled for (During Fall 2010)
Neurobiology thru Harvard Extension and Genetics thru UC Berkeley Extension
(Both of these classes are classes that one would take at the University, but they are also offered online)</p>

<p>Senior Year: 7 Classes. 6 AP's and ASB</p>

<p>IF i do well in these classes, and bring my GPA up, what are some thoughts on me getting into Hopkins if I do ED majoring in Cell Biology?</p>

<p>Also, what does the forecast look like for Berkeley or UCLA.</p>

<p>All the advice/feedback is very much appreciated :)</p>


<p>I’m a rising Hopkins freshman. I usually don’t reply to “chance” threads because they’re flawed in principle, but yours was so out of the ordinary in its coherence that I felt obligated.</p>

<p>I think that you are right up Hopkins’ alley. To be fair, your GPA might be a drawback, but you’ve certainly done a great deal in order to compensate for it.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t go so far as to guarantee you entrance for a couple reasons. Firstly, while this brief resume is impressive, those of every other applicant in Hopkins’ highly self-selective pool are as well. I think you’ve done a great job of making yourself stand out in your use of online academic resources, but don’t rest on your laurels, keep thinking of new reasons why you’re awesome. Secondly, your SAT score is by any account, excellent. However, it could not possible hurt you to take it again. Remember, Hopkins is on a SuperScore system. They will only consider the best score from each section, over all your tests. See if you can break your SuperScore into the 2200’s.</p>

<p>Your applicant profile seems solid. I think you have a very good chance, but don’t take my word on it. Make it so. Make sure you get all A’s this year, which I’m sure you will do, considering what is on the line.</p>

<p>I was accepted Early Decision to Hopkins. There is a perception that ED at Hopkins is less selective. This is absolutely not the case. Hopkins, as I mentioned earlier, is highly self-selective. Our applicant pool is, on average, much more evenly qualified than many other elite institutions (everybody and their mother applies to Harvard). The ED applicant pool is extremely competitive, evidenced, not without seeming incongruous, by the high ED acceptance rate.</p>

<p>One last thing, there is no Cell Biology major at Johns Hopkins. There is a B.A. program in Biology and a B.S. program in Molecular & Cellular Biology. The latter involves a considerable amount of research and the addition of some highly advanced courses. I think it might be right up your alley. I’m double majoring in Molecular & Cellular Biology and Neuroscience, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to message me.</p>

<p>Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>Wow, that was a very uplifting and well written response HopSocNG! Thank you so much for the advice/feedback and congratulations on what you have done thus far.</p>

<p>I do plan on taking the SAT and the ACT before applying and will try my hardest to get all A’s. </p>

<p>Thanks again and if any questions arise, its good to know there is someone that I can ask</p>