<p>Thursday 12/11 ....afternoon
its on the Duke website
Good luck all!</p>
<p>yep it is 11th. finally we know the date lol</p>
I’m nervous. Maybe just a tiny bit. I think I’ll check on Friday instead so that I can have the weekend to get over it if I’m deferred/rejected. Good luck to all!</p>
<p>Thanks for the notification! My heart started to beat faster after reading this… lol Good luck to all ED-ers!!</p>
<p>omg, this is crazy…has anyone gotten an email with info?..i havent yet.</p>
<p>^^nevermind, posted excitedly before reading Duke’s website…emails will be sent wednesday the 8th!</p>
<p>wait, where on the website does it say that?</p>
<p>^^^^^ nevermind, i checked on the countdown!!! yay!!! im soooo excited!!! im glad we dont have to wait till the 15th anymore!</p>