ED Scores on Time

<p>Hi. I was just wondering about how the whole deadline works out with postmark and test scores. I am retaking the SAT Subject Tests October 10th. Usually scores come out 19 days later so October 29th. The deadline for Early Decision at UPenn and many others is November 1st. I was wondering if anyone knew if the scores will arrive in time. I don't know if there was this problem last year.</p>

<p>This may help:</p>


[Penn</a> Admissions: Required Tests](<a href=“http://www.admissions.upenn.edu/applying/testing.php]Penn”>http://www.admissions.upenn.edu/applying/testing.php)</p>

<p>so, even if the November SAT is on the the 10th…as long as we rush that score…we should be okay?</p>

<p>That’s what it says.</p>