<p>I applied EDII to Vassar. I wanted to make a thread for everyone who also applied EDII so we could all be nervous together. Is anyone else counting down the days until February 1st???</p>
<p>I applied EDII to Vassar. I wanted to make a thread for everyone who also applied EDII so we could all be nervous together. Is anyone else counting down the days until February 1st???</p>
I’m a EDII applicant as well, and like you, I’m nervously waiting for February!</p>
<p>Me too!!! I really hope this will work out. Anxiously waiting too! I am an international applicant asking for financial aid though. And worse, I heard that there’s a girl from my high school who was accepted in EDI with financial aid… Guess chances are REALLY slim right now.</p>
<p>Same! Completely freaking out. Do we officially find out Feb 1st??</p>
<p>Every morning I cross out another day from a calendar that I keep on my desk.</p>
<p>Hi Guys!</p>
<p>I’m an ED II applicant and I have a countdown calendar too!!! (I cross a day off every night though [just so it feels more legitimate when I do it :)])</p>
<p>@sayanything11: I think we find out on February 1st at 8:00 AM Eastern Time but I’ve also read that we could possibly find out sometime in “late January.” Maybe internationals find out earlier (?)</p>
<p>I saw “late January” on Vassar’s site, as well. But on their FAQ, it says February 1st. I’m only going with the later date so I am not disappointed if it does not come in January! They already denied a student from my school in the EDI round so I’m scared that the same will happen to me :/</p>
<p>i’m so nervous it’s insaneeeeee! when i visited vassar late mid-december, the admissions officer told us “late january” too during our info session. take it as you will…</p>
<p>Ahhhh ok thanks guys…this is actually out of control.</p>
<p>!!!16 DAYS LEFT!!!</p>
<p>Haha sorry - I had to say it here to stop from babbling to all my friends (I just realized what a huge mistake I’ve made by telling everyone the decision date [now it’d be tragic AND awkward not making it :(])</p>
<p>15 according to my calendar :))</p>
<p>So, to make time pass faster, what are you guys hoping to major in? Or, if undecided, which academic subjects do you find most interesting?
For me it’s Cognitive Science, btw.</p>
<p>Oh gosh the wait is freaking killing me. I had this big hassle where my counselor recommendation and ED agreement got lost in the mail last week and I was literally on the verge of a panic attack. </p>
<p>I’m looking into English and their Independent Program so I can create a Linguistics major However if my application is rejected my Sophomore ( if I even get in…) then I’ll look into just Cognitive Science</p>
<p>@lebagone- I realized the same thing. I actually CAN’T shutup about it.</p>
<p>I think I want to major in Anthro, but I want to try their Independent Program too in the hopes of making an Egyptology major :)</p>
<p>@madeleine12093: haha me neither!!! By now my friends are prbly dying for the deadline too just so that I’d stop prattling about Vassar one way or another :D</p>
<p>An egyptology major sounds REALLY cool, btw :)</p>
<p>I think I’m probably gonna major in international relations but I’m also really interested in film studies and neuroscience so I might minor in one of the two (or both if they let me…but that would probably be insane :p)</p>
<p>I have a question: I feel like I read somewhere that the decision letters get MAILED out by January 25th and I ALSO remember reading that international students get emailed the day the mailed letters get sent out - does anyone know if this is true??</p>
<p>You guys have some exciting majors! I’m def going to major in english (hopefully with a lot of creative writing classes after frosh year!) and I might minor in sociology.</p>
<p>I hope that’s true. Finding out on the 25th would be great (not so great if I get rejected though :|)</p>
<p>And egiptology really is one of the coolest sounding majors that ever were and ever will be :D</p>
<p>I’m thinking of majoring in Urban Studies, Media Studies, or Victorian Studies. But all the interdisciplinary majors seem interesting to me.</p>
<pre><code> So where is everybody from?
<p>i’m really interested in their interdisciplinary programs as well! i would like to study international studies, political science, cognitive science, etc etc aka no idea yet haha. i’m from bahhhston, the land of obnoxious accents and inches of snow.</p>
<p>im definitely majoring in Urban Studies if i get in. Its been my number 1 interest! And i am definitely looking forward to explore the artsy side of myself, i never had an opportunity to try out for dance/singing/acting or any of that sort of activities, really hoping vassar will accept me!
And definitely continue playing rugby for college.</p>
<p>how is everyone coping with the wait? I am dying from anxiety. x.x</p>
<p>The Vassar.edu homepage reminded me,
Happy 150th Birthday, Vassar!!!</p>