<p>Education 190 can fulfill the social & behavioral breadth for L&S and any other breadth equivalent to it in other colleges. The reason why the grading is so high is because: 1) It’s super easy, 2) The students “self-grade” & “evaluate” themselves as a whole (from what I know about it), 3) The class consists of creating service projects, talking in discussions, and taking part in group “bonding” activities.</p>
<p>However, there is an application process to it because so many students want to take it & usually only get in if you are an education major or a junior/senior. The first time you try signing up, you may get rejected but will get priority if you decide to sign up for it in a future semester.</p>
<p>GPA booster all the way. As a bus-ad major, I had a hell of a time during the interview process. The class fills up super fast. There are some really interesting education related topics such as funding, students with disabilities, track programs, etc. that are discussed in this class. The community project does required quite a bit of time and if you don’t do your readings, you will look like a jackass during discussion and everyone will know.</p>
<p>While, there may be a few students who milk the program, I believe the majority of us deserve the grades we got. Feels good to get treated like Stanfurd student every once in awhile. </p>
<p>This class used to be one of the best kept secrets, but apparently not anymore. Ed190 has probably served more 4 units of A’s than any other class.</p>