EFC -- what does it really mean?

<p>My child will be starting her second year this fall. Last year as a freshman, our EFC was almost $19K and we did not receive any aid (which we understood). This year our EFC is $5K and still are not receiving any aid. Is this normal? I guess I don't understand what the significance of the efc number is. Can anybody explain this to me?</p>

<p>At a school that does not guarantee to meet need, it means nothing. At those that do, it means they will put a package together that will total all but your EFC. This, however, can include loans, work study and dtudent contribution. The better the school, the more actual grants a typical student gets among full need schools. Princeton and Brown have no student loans. Other ivies limit them.</p>

<p>my D schools pledges to meet 100% of need
as Zagat explained need can be met through any combination of grants, loans and work study.
My daughters package has subsidized loans, work study and grants- this still leaves our EFC to meet.
Since your EFC has changed so much, I would appeal the package- she should be eligible for subsidized loans and work study even if the school doesn't give a lot of grants</p>