<p>Any and all information you have on the engineering program are welcome.</p>
<p>Anyone know the ranking? Internship opportunities? Status of program?</p>
<p>Any and all information you have on the engineering program are welcome.</p>
<p>Anyone know the ranking? Internship opportunities? Status of program?</p>
<p>The engineering program at Binghamton University is part of the Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science. Although the program probably can’t compare to those at schools like Cornell, it’s the 7th largest engineering program in New York State, and is the fastest growing school at Binghamton University. I’ve been accepted for the fall 2009 year, so I personally find it great enough to attend there.</p>
<p>Here are some interesting places to look:
[Binghamton</a> University - Academics: Schools and Departments: Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science](<a href=“http://www2.binghamton.edu/watson/]Binghamton”>http://www2.binghamton.edu/watson/)
[Thomas</a> J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science<a href=“Departments:%20Bioengineering,%20Computer%20Science,%20Electrical%20and%20Computer%20Engineering,%20Mechanical%20Engineering%20and%20Systems%20Science%20and%20Industrial%20Engineering”>/url</a>
Fast Facts: <a href=“http://www.binghamton.edu/watson/level2/about-watson-school.pdf[/url]”>http://www.binghamton.edu/watson/level2/about-watson-school.pdf](<a href=“http://www.binghamton.edu/watson/level2/depts.html]Thomas”>http://www.binghamton.edu/watson/level2/depts.html)</a></p>
<p>What do you plan on majoring in? Depending on your specific major, there might be various opportunities available to you!</p>
<p>Rankings – as far as I’m aware, most engineering programs are ranked on the graduate level. Binghamton University is primarily an undergraduate school as far as its programs go; I don’t find it ranked in any top-lists. However, Binghamton as a University is ranked very well. It is the #4 Best Public Value according to the Princeton Review.</p>
<p>Internship Opportunities – companies like Google, Microsoft and IBM recruit students directly from the campus. It’s competitive, however.</p>
<p>Status of program – The research expenditures increased some 40% in the course of a year; it is growing, and fast.</p>