Einstein T-Shirt?

<p>Would you find it pretentious if someone wore an Einstein shirt?</p>

<p><a href="http://threadless.com/product/358/E=MC_Escher%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://threadless.com/product/358/E=MC_Escher&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>My uncle gave me the one above, along with a subscription to Scientific American. I'm kinda worried about wearing it to school because I am considered the 'smartest' and my school isn't very 'nerd friendly' in general. Previously, a girl used an Einstein quote in an art project and a majority of people, even some teachers, thought she was trying to proclaim that she was the most intellectual person in the world. </p>

<p>If I don't wear it to school, I'll just wear it other places.... but I was just wondering your opinions.</p>

<p>That shrit is awesome..who cares. I love it~!!</p>

<p>oh and if most of the people in your school aren't really nerd friendly perhaps they might not know whos on your t-shrit? A a quick glance it can easliy look like an old man :)</p>

<p>Nice shirt. As for me, if I had a shirt like that, I would wear it proudly in my school. I bet the majoriity of the people, like XCchick44 said, won't even recognize it as Einstein.</p>

<p>well, you can always wear it on Nerd Day or Halloween if you do feel uncomfortable.</p>

<p>eeek i love that shirt!</p>

<p>wow i like it!
juss wear it/ who cares.</p>

<p><3 great shirt. i saw wear it.</p>

<p>awesome shirt !!! definitely wear it, just ignore anyone who disses that shirt, its freakin awesome</p>

<p>I love Threadless, but I'm not sure I would ever wear an Einstein shirt. But then again, I'm a humanities kind of girl.</p>

<p>There's another Einstein t-shirt on thinkgeek.com ... "Viva la relativity"</p>

<p><a href="http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/science/7189/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/science/7189/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>aww nice shirt!! it looks more of an artistic statement than an intellectual one if you ask me...</p>

<p>Yea, I really doubt most people would recognize that's Einstein.</p>

<p>yeah it took me a while to realize it was einstein</p>

<p>wear it!</p>

<p>That's an awesome shirt. I would so wear it to school. </p>

<p>A guy at my school has the "viva la relativity" shirt. It's awesome. He has a wardrobe full of stuff like that. It's pretty cool.</p>

<p>yah the viva la relativity shirt is soo cool. WOW. Wear your einstein top heck.. just go for it... everyone here thinks its great.. Your school has got some serious issues ... I mean EVEN the teachers..? wow</p>

<p>its awesome... definitely wear it</p>

<p>i have a shirt that i cant wear lol... but i think its so cool!
on the front it has the quadratic formula and underneath, it says
"it can be radical, irrational, too complex to be real...."
and on the back it says
"but it gets to the root of the problem!"</p>

<p>is that funny or what????!!!
::backs away slowly::</p>

<p>lol Ilovemath .... its kinda funny :).. it's sweet</p>

<p>That shirt is awesome.</p>

<p>My grandfather has a t-shirt with a picture of Einstein and the caption is: I see dead people.</p>