ELC vs. Statewide Eligibility

<p>Is there any difference between the two? Does ELC give you a greater boost in the admissions process, or do they both just guarantee you admission to certain universities? I thought it would, since the requirements for ELC (being top 4% in class) seem much harder to achieve than those for Statewide eligibility.</p>

<p>Statewide Eligibility guarantees acceptance to UC Merced (assuming you are not accepted anywhere else, your application will be forwarded to Merced for acceptance).</p>

<p>ELC offers the additional guaranteed acceptance to the following UC campuses: </p>

<li><p>Davis (provided applicants satisfactorily complete the Subject and Examination requirements), </p></li>
<li><p>Irvine (provided applicants satisfactorily complete the Subject and Examination requirements; does not apply to Dance, Music, Nursing Science, Business Administration, Business Economics and all majors in the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences - in these majors, ELC status is given consideration in the comprehensive review process), </p></li>
<li><p>Merced (provided applicants satisfac-torily complete the Subject and Examination requirements), </p></li>
<li><p>Riverside (provided applicants satisfac-torily complete the Subject and Examination requirements), and </p></li>
<li><p>Santa Barbara (provided applicants satisfac-torily complete the Subject and Examination requirements).</p></li>

<p>Thanks for replying! Does ELC boost one’s chances at the other UCs, such as Berkeley or LA?</p>

<p>yep… they dont guarentee admission at berkeley, LA or SD, but the chances are gretl;y increased… like for berkeley and LA hte percentage of acceptance is a 60%, and UCSD its 90%… soo they do help you a lot…</p>

<p>For campuses not guaranteeing ELC, here’s some additional information:</p>

<li><p>Berkeley: while ELC is considered, the general applicant population is so qualified that the readers are somewhat immune to the effects of ELC.</p></li>
<li><p>UCLA: as of two years ago, UCLA did not consider ELC. However, as of this year, the story changed to “we’ve always considered ELC.” I’m suspicious … that’s all I’m saying.</p></li>
<li><p>UCSD: the campus is on a point-system and there is a category for ELC (300 points) so there is tangible advantage to be ELC.</p></li>

<p>Hi, after receiving the elc letter that my son only qualifies for statewide context, we found out that one of the grade in his transcript is wrong. It was AP History - it got submitted with a B+ in his transcript but the right grade is A-. He is now trying to get the school to correct that in the meantime is there anything we could do to have it looked into again for ELC? It may not even do anything but it is probably worth a try if I know where to start. Thanks a lot!</p>


<li>welcome to college confidential!</li>
<li>umm… thats hard to say… im not a school counselor or something , and they are the people (and the elc) who can give you a direct answer… start with the counselors, then go to the ELC (or do both simultaneously…)
but based on what i know from hours researching ELC and waiting for my own ELC, i see that the ELC people send a transcript of who has gotten ELC and who hasnt and they are supposed the check that the grades are ok, etc. and after a 2-week period of the schools reviewing, the ELC sends out the letters.
note: ELC DOES NOT NEED a “go-ahead” from the school. if the school does not submit an appeal in the 2-week period, then ELC will think that the school is happy and no errors were made. in the case of your son though…that .25 may or may not make a difference… but go for it and keep us posted :)</li>

<p>concur that you start with your GC. One extra grade point might not make a difference, and you gc should be able to figure that out. Of course, be forewarned, that GC’s absolutely HATE doing such stuff after-the-fact: if your does move up to ELC, someone else (who has already been notified) drops out.</p>

<p>HI spatel23 & bluebayou</p>

<p>Thanks to your inputs.
Just getting the grade change has already created a circus (and still is pending!) and I agree they will throw fits if they have to do stuff with elc. You would think schools would send transcripts to us before sending to elc for verification. The grade was right on the one that they send for just the Spring 2010 but in transcript it was wrong. Funny thing is the gpa was calculated as it was a 5.0 (A)! Yeah they are messed up! I wouldn’t want to see someone being bumped off after the fact (if that grade error makes the difference) but at the same time I would love to have a bit of leverage just in case elc eligibility makes the difference in getting to UCLA which is my son’s first choice. Oh well, nothing is perfect! Thanks again.</p>



<p>Our HS does, or at least hands them out after the first semester of Jr year. </p>

<p>UC does not use the HS gpa calculation. UC recalculates every gpa according to UC rules. </p>

<p>ELC is meaningless for UCLA and Cal admissions. (ELC candidates have a much higher acceptance rate to those two schools just bcos the transcripts are much, much stronger than other applicants.)</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>i agree with bluebayou
since your son is applying to UCLA the chances of him getting elc and getting in is 60%… and without ELC its 26%… the chances are increased , yes… but if you think about every single student applying for UCLA with ELC in the local area… then the chances are really low for ELC too… now if youre talking davis, riverside, then ELC would help, but if your son was nominated for the top 10%… hes doing a damn good job :)</p>

<p>son went to gc again today - he is basically just wanting them to change the grade so that when he applies, all grades are correct. UCI is another one of his choice but since he is applying to engineering, elc dont matter as well. thanks again for the inputs!</p>

<p>lol… has your son considered CAL POLY San Luis Obispo… thats a really good engineering school as well as berkeley (UCB)</p>

<p>@sendson2college, your son’s high school can request reevaluation of his transcript once the grade is changed. The school probably doesn’t want to do it because it may bump off someone who already received the ELC letter. You have to decide how big of a stink you want to make. The school has the final say over how to proceed, but whatever procedure they have, it must apply to all students.</p>

<p>AskMsSun - you know the idea of the possiblity of creating a havoc (bumping someone off and whatever else there is) bothers us. At this point we are only asking them to correct the grade - what they do on their own is up to them.</p>

<p>spatel23 - yeah Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is on his list, as well as UCSD and UCSB. UCB is closed for mech engineer - does that mean you shouldn’t even try and apply there?</p>


<p>^^ELC = automatic points in the SD admissions process; it’s either all or zero for that category. For the other campuses’ Engineering programs, ELC doesn’t matter as much.</p>

<p>It is very rare for any changes to be made after a school has notified students of their ELC status:

[ELC</a> and DAP](<a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/sas/elc/elcappeals.html]ELC”>http://www.ucop.edu/sas/elc/elcappeals.html)</p>

<p>You should continue to insist that the transcript be corrected. As for the admissions boost at UCLA and UCB, the ELC admission statistics can be a bit misleading. Please remember that students identified as ELC are often the most motivated, highest-scoring students with the most outstanding ECs at their schools, and THOSE are the qualities that gain them admission to UCB and UCLA, not their identification as ELC. Your student will have all of that. There are - literally - thousands of applicants admitted to UCB and UCLA without ELC status.</p>

<p>for the closed engineer at Berkley… you should be able to look at it in detail (by hovering, i think) over the major… they should say why its closed…
maybe it is because the student must complete pre-reqs before going into engineering… so if they dont tell you on the admission app. call UCB up and ask them… it would be better to hear from them rather than speculate…</p>

<p>@sendson2college, sorry, I meant the school probably doesn’t want to stir up the ELC controversy. Although I suspect when the grade is changed, the school would be obligated to submit the transcript for reevaluation (if your son’s in the top 12.5%). Again, the school has the final say, but whatever it says it will do must apply to ALL students (so the school can’t just exclude your son willy nilly).</p>

<p>The elc notifications seem really late this year. Is there a reason for that. I had to ask my high school counselor. At that point she indicated that I was considered “on track” and had just missed the cuttoff for the 4%. Is there any notification letter that I am supposed to receive on this status. I still have not heard any thing from the UC’s. Counselor also told me I could not appeal, even though they appealed for another student who had a lower gpa than mine. Sounds like politics is involved somewhere. I would like to contact the UC elc selection office directly to find out what is going on. Any info would be appreciated.</p>