Electrical Engineering or Aerospace engineering?

I’m having a hard time deciding what I want to major in. I’ve always found subjects such as space, AI, robotics, and more extremely interesting, and I can’t really decide which major I want to do. What are some of the differences between the two majors? Would a double/dual major be a possibility if I have a lot of credit from high school classes? I’ve been looking into Purdue’s engineering program and I believe there is a likely chance that I will be accepted. (I am in-state)

Purdue has a common first year engineering curriculum. You don’t transition to your major until the end of freshman year so you don’t need to decide now. Your freshman year engineering design course will allow you time to explore your interests.

Spend some time looking at the plan of study guides:



Purdue is generous with accepting AP and DE credits but it may not help you in double majoring because of engineering requirements and course sequencing.

Aerospace and electrical engineering are two very different fields of engineering. Aerospace is about designing planes, rockets, etc to fly. This can be a difficult field to get your foot in the door, so you’ll want to diversify your degree with a double major if you choose this route. Electrical engineering is designing computer hardware/software. It can be for a guidance missile, or a new gaming graphics card. It’s also much more diverse. With a little coding skill, EE degrees can easily overlap into CS or even IT jobs, because most of these jobs don’t always require a specific foundation of knowledge.

That being said, I agree with @momofsenior1. You’ll have tome to decide which specialty you prefer after doing some exploring.