Elon University Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Anyone’s EA admit kids get their acceptance envelope yet? And for those who didn’t get merit, are your kids still trying to get fellows or scholars? Seems like a crazy long shot if the basic merit didn’t happen with good stats!

We did not get ours yet. We were offered no merit in the letter on line which is where everyone else was informed if theirs.

Our D got EA acceptance and sadly, no merit offer. Makes it really tough to keep Elon in consideration when she has gotten good merit offers (and Honors College acceptance) from several other schools so far. Elon is the only one that hasn’t offered merit money. We thought Elon was great when we visited in the Fall, but being OOS means that a merit scholarship is an important factor in our decision. Highly unlikely she will finish/submit the Fellows and Scholars requirements because without the Presidential offer (which is the only stackable scholarship) Elon won’t be able to come close to the $$ she has been offered at other schools.

Correction: :slight_smile: I meant to say that, if I understand correctly, the Presidential scholarship at Elon is the highest dollar stackable scholarship that with Fellows and/or Scholars could be enough to bring the cost close to our in-state flagship and some other schools where my D has had merit offers. Without that initial offer from Elon, Fellows and/or Scholars offers would not be enough. We are sad because her stats should have absolutely been enough to qualify her for the Presidential - not sure what happened at Elon, but we believe everything will work out like it’s supposed to in the end and she will go to the school where she will be happy and successful!

My DD has similar stats to yours and no merit here either :frowning:

I think if you asked the schools on this list who their peer institutions are, only 4 or 5 of these schools would consider Elon their peer. The acceptance rates and stats for accepted students would back that up. He has an acceptance and scholarship from one of the schools on this list that will cost us ~$20K LESS than Elon. My son still has Elon in his top three but knows that it is clearly the most expensive option he has.

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My son looked at several of the schools on this list and likely could have gotten in to many of them but decided to apply ED to Elon. I really think it’s more about fit than prestige anyway, but to each their own. All of the schools on this list are recognized as excellent schools.


Anyone have info on business fellows program? Got email encouraging to apply…does everyone get that? How many normally apply and how many get invited to inferview?

Is Elon not prestigious? Just asking out of curiousity.

US News & World Report ranks Elon as #83 overall for National Universities but #1 for “Best Undergraduate Teaching.” I’ve also seen it ranked highly for “Best-run colleges” and “Best internships.” I think it’s a school on the rise with a lot going for it. But I agree with Cleveland132 about fit being the most important thing in choosing a college.

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To those who were surprised their student didn’t receive merit: I am flipping through notes I have made from various school’s info sessions and came across my notes from one of Elon’s. I wrote “test blind. Test scores not used for scholarship consideration. Will not help or hurt chances if you submit.” I think that explains a lot, especially related to my homeschooled student. Test scores back up her academic record, so test blind is a big disadvantage for her specifically.

What makes you say her merit was based off of her essay? I’ve seen some people say they base merit on high school record (which can be interpreted pretty broadly) and I’ve seen some say it’s not based on test scores. I’m just curious (and trying to read the tea leaves).

Their website says the Presidential Scholarships are based on the student’s high school record and the Engagement Scholarships are based on their high school academic record and “very important” their application essay. No mention of standardized test scores for either.

Does that mean the essay isn’t good if a student didn’t get any scholarships?

No, it does not mean that. It sounds like you got accepted. That’s really the goal. Merit scholarships are nice but really the icing on the cake. Need-based aid is different. There were almost 11,000 applicants in the EA and ED round with more to come for RD. That’s an awful lot of essays for the admissions officers.

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I looked up the name of the scholarship and on their website it says this: “Selection is based on your high school academic record and very important—your application essay”

She didn’t apply for scholarships separately.

Need based financial aid is completely different.

Just realized that my daughter never received her “Big Envelope” in the mail from Elon Early Action, which they referred to in her online acceptance letter. Anyone else?


I have a freshman in the Business Fellows program and it is a fantastic opportunity. There are 25 freshman (this number varies a bit year to year). They will offer to more than 25 because some students opt for a different university.Their freshman and sophomore year they take the “core” business classes together, so they all get to know each other well. Sophomore year they typically do a 2 week trip abroad together during J term, and the cost of that is included as part of the fellows program, which is fantastic They’ve gone to Dubai the last couple of times. If your student is pretty certain they want to major in some area of business, I would definitely encourage them to apply. They do have a minimum 3.3 GPA requirement to stay in the program, I know last year’s class lost a number of kids who did not manage to keep a high enough GPA (but last year was so strange/atypical, there may have been more than normal)

We haven’t seen it either:(