Trying to pool any kind of information on these two schools as they seem to be what my options are going to be for next year. I know one’s private and one’s public, so there’s definitely a cost factor (I’m qualifying for a lot of scholarships and the like at Elon, though, so it may even out even if UNCC doesn’t give me anything). I also know one’s bigger and one’s smaller. However, I’d like to know anything y’all could tell me about:
Compared social scene,
Compared student body (I’m more of an intellectual sort and would like to be able to be around like-minded folks)
Rigor as well as relative appearance when applying to higher education (thinking I might go pre-med at this point)
Strengths/Weaknesses in certain programs/areas, especially biological sciences
And anything else comparing the two. Can anyone share anything they know between the two?
Yes, thank you for the links, I have scoured both pages quite extensively. I just figured some experienced students/parents who went on the NC touring circuit or attended one of the schools might be able to talk more specifically about subjective differences they noticed in the two 
My research from last year suggests UNC Charlotte is a bit of a commuter school (not that you said that is a concern). My D’s second choice was Elon last fall and has great internship opportunities.
The two experiences are nearly opposite: small, pretty homogenous, residential, greek school v large, town based, diverse (in lots of ways).
Neither is going to have an over-abundance of “intellectual” types- plenty of smart students, but not what I would think of as “intellectual”. Charlotte is strongest in Finance & Engineering; other majors are not as strong. Is Asheville in the mix?