Emailing admissions

I’d like to email my regional college admissions rep from Columbia University to establish contact. I don’t want to be annoying, but I want to reach out. Some ideas I was thinking about to ask him 1) will he be at the university when I visit in the summer so I can meet him 2) does columbia put a larger emphasis on having Ap Spanish in my senior year rather than leaving it at 4 years of honors level Spanish. Has anyone ever emailed a college rep before? Any advice?

Sure. Go to the website and find the adcom for your area. Introduce yourself and ask your questions.
But make sure you have firm dates when you ask about a visit.

And be sure to capitalize “Columbia” when you write.

Really? I would think those questions are annoying. They don’t want to help set your schedule and don’t do on campus interviews. Just my opinion but child was admitted.

I’m not opposed to emailing questions that can’t be answered on the website. But I do think that it’s annoying asking questions that are too-specific to the applicant, because the answer would often be “It depends.”

e.g. “does columbia put a larger emphasis on having Ap Spanish in my senior year rather than leaving it at 4 years of honors level Spanish.”

No, but it depends. If the GC checks the “most rigorous” box, it’s unlikely that any AO will microanalyze course selections.

I also think that the opportunity to meet an AO is at college fairs, applicant mixers, etc, but not by popping into Hamilton Hall.