Embry-Riddle (Daytona Beach) vs. Johns Hopkins?

Before you unknowingly rush to the comments and furiously type “DUH IT’S OBVIOUS”, here’s a bit of context: I recently got admitted into ERAU with a full tution scholarship (17K yearly), and probably other smaller ones coming soon.

However, I also got admitted into JHU (thank you, affirmative action!); my dilemma is that I kinda, maybe, sorta didn’t fill out the CSS profile before their deadline. This is kinda, maybe, sorta required to be eligible for any need-based aid they can give you, and apparently they give out a LOT.

Anyways, I emailed their financial aid guy and he said I can fill out the form again (plus some additional income stuff) and give it to him by mid-April for a chance that I’ll be considered again.

Now my question is…generally speaking, should I go to this regular college with a huge scholarship, or a prestigious college with the possibility of a small scholarship? Do employers really think of school before degree?

(I should also mention I’m applying for the honors’ program at ERAU, so that might affect my decision later on)

Thanks for reading, dudes and dudettes! :slight_smile:

If you want to be a pilot or aeronautical type fields embry riddle could be excellent.

If the money equalizes after your submissions JHU is another matter.

It’s an opportunity to connect with and work with some of the best students in the country. Great long term. And you will also learn from the most accomplished scholars in the world. In all fields.

It’s more intense and but not in the same league weather wise.

Good luck and congrats!

Just as an FYI I want to be an aerospace/electrical engineer. And thanks for the quick response! :smiley: