<p>*SAT: 730-V, 730-W, 700-M
*SAT II's: 770 Biology, 750 US History, and 690 Literature (will take some more in the fall)
*GPA: 3.96 unweighted (I wil have taken 11 APs but school doesn't weight)
*Rank: 1 out of 35 (very small, but competitive private school)
*APs: Spanish, Calc AB, Enviro scinece, Bio, US History, Lit, Human Geo, Econ Macro, Econ Micro, Calc BC, Gov, and Eng Lang (plus 4-5 honors)</p>
*Varsity soccer (9-12) - captain junior year and probably next year too
*JV Basketball (10)
*Premier Division club soccer (5th-10th) - state champs 2003
*Student Council (11-12)- Junior class prez and student body vice prez
*NHS member (11-12) - Vice prez
*Utah HOBY ambassador (10) - youth leadership conference
*Utah Boys State Ambassador (110 - political leadership/student sentate deal
*Debate team member (10-12) - team captain 11th and 12th
State champ oratory (2006), 2nd at region
Region champ extemp (2005), 4th at state
School was state forensics champ this year (2006)- plus other awards
*Took 2nd overall at Southern Utah State science fair (2004)
qualified for Intel international science fair
*Theology Student of the year (04-05)
*AP US hist. student of the year (05-06)
*AP Calculus student of the year (05-06)
*Joshua Award winner (05-06) - most prestigious award at school (for leadership, academic achievement, etc.)
*Founder and leader of ICS Mountaineering club
*Founder and volunteer of Middle school math tutoring program (meet 2x per week)
*Interning with Doctor at SLC hospital in the fall (1-2 a week)</p>
<p>Community Service:
*Vacation Bible School volunteer (20 total hours)
*1 week colorado work camp (built houses) - 2004
*I've gone to Peru the past two summers with a medical group(2 weeks in in 04 and a month this past summer) - setup day clinics along Amazon
*I'm going to do the same thing in Guatemala this summer for 2 weeks
*Volunteer math tutor for 7th-9th graders (2x a week)
*miscellaneous volunteer work here and there adding up to about 150 hours</p>
<p>Potential Hooks: Japanese, from Utah, No one at my school has ever applied back east</p>
<p>I looking more at prestigious LACs, but I'm still partially interested in these schools. How bout em? Reaches, matches, or what?</p>
<p>You've got good EC's too. You sound a bit like me, Asian in an odd state. It certainly can't hurt. </p>
<p>As for my personal experiences with Wash U, it's a little weird. </p>
<p>My friend with a 35 (or 34) ACT (and a good number of ECs) was waitlisted. A girl whose dream school was Wash U and got into Yale was waitlisted. In AR, Wash U is a very popular school, so everyone with a 30+ ACT applies. I'd say around 10-15 students got waitlisted at my school. I think my legacy assured my spot. </p>
<p>Wash U is anything but a sure thing. The same thing probably applies to the other schools listed.</p>
<p>But with your achievements and your uniqueness (Utah + Asian), I'd say you have a 75% chance at Wash U, and maybe a little higher chances with the lower ranked schools.</p>
<p>Very good chances at all schools. With all of these schools, you will want to demonstrate interest, as they are all wary of being used as "safety" schools for the Ivys. Your SAT I scores are very solid, however they fall just below the 75th percentile at Emory -- not a problem.</p>
<p>To pitch Emory a bit, you may be interested in knowing that they had a nationally-ranked Div. III men's soccer team this year -- again. The team was selected for the Div. III national tournament. Overall, Emory has a solid atheletics program for Div. III -- they are consistently in the Top 5 of the NACDA Director's Cup given to colleges with the most success in collegiate athletics. As well, recognizing your theological interests, Emory has the influence of the Candler School of Theology. Emory's undergraduate college follows a liberal arts tradition while having the benefit of a major research university, particularly with the influence of their graduate programs.</p>