<p>i know: big surprise. thanks so much in advance, both for taking the time to read this and for your advice!</p>
<p>White middle-class male attending best HS in UT and 150th best in US </p>
<p>SAT I: 2260
CR-740 M-730 W-790
SAT II: Math II-780, Chem-740, World History-650, Spanish-660, Math I-700 </p>
<p>-National Merit Semifinalist (at least)
-AP Scholar with Distinction
-AP Scores:
--Chem-4, Eng. Lang-5, Euro-5, Human Geo-3, Macro-5, Micro-4, Sp. Lang-3, Sp. Lit-4, World-4.
--taking this year: US history, US gov, calc AB, English Lit</p>
<p>4.146 weighted GPA
15/324 weighted rank</p>
-Captain: 11, 12
-Team National Champion (D-III): 10
-National overall individual medal: gold 11, silver 10
-Team National Runner Up (D-III): 11 (missed 1st by 23.3 out of 60,000)
-Team top scorer at nationals: 11
-Team State Champion: 10, 11
-Highest overall scorer at state: 11
-Highest individual scholastic score at state: 10, 11
-Team top scorer at state: 11
-About 50 personal medals in individual subjects from districts, regions, state, and nationals over past two years</p>
<p>DEBATE (9-12)
-Captain: 11, 12
-Secretary: 10
-4th in state: 10
-2nd in region: 10, 11
-3rd in region: 9
-About 30 medals at independent tournaments that i won't bore you with here</p>
-Qualified for USA All Star team (1 of 7 americans to do so) through score at 2007 States: 11
-Second place team at international finals (Seoul, South Korea): 11
-Team Debate Showcase champion at int'l finals: 11
-As veteran of competition, will write/edit tests and resource guides; judge and proctor tests at national and international competitions: 12</p>
-Model UN (9-12) (pres. 11, 12; VP 10)
-National Honors Society (10-12) (pres. 12)
-Cross Country Running (9-12) (letter: 9, 10; 4th team at state: 9, 10)</p>
-Volunteer at free health clinic translating spanish-english (3 hr/week; 2 yrs)
-writing/editing practice tests and study guides for DemiDec, a third party Academic Decathlon company (15 hr/week; 2 yr)
-cashiering at local pizzeria (18 hr/week; 3 mo)</p>
-Claremont Mckenna
-University of Utah</p>